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Implementation of the Plan would not result in the loss of availability of a locally-important mineral <br /> resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan,or other land use plan. (Draft EIR, <br /> pp.3.14-3 to 3.14-4.) <br /> J. Less than Significant Impacts with Mitigation Incorporated <br /> The Draft EIR determined that the Plan has potentially significant environmental impacts in the areas <br /> discussed below and identified feasible mitigation measures to avoid or substantially reduce some or all of <br /> the environmental impacts in these areas.Based on the information and analyses set forth in the Draft and <br /> Final EIRs,all but three of the Plan's impacts will be avoided or substantially reduced to less than significant <br /> with identified feasible mitigation measures incorporated into the Plan. <br /> The City Council agrees with the characterization in the Draft EIR with respect to all impacts initially <br /> identified as "significant" or "potentially significant" that would be rendered less than significant with <br /> implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the Draft EIR and MMRP. In accordance with <br /> CEQA Guidelines section 15091(a),a specific finding is made for each impact and its associated mitigation <br /> measures in the discussions below. The City Council again ratifies, adopts, and incorporated the full <br /> analysis,explanation,findings,responses to comments,and conclusions of the Draft and Final EIR. <br /> 1. Air Quality <br /> Impact 3.2-3: Development under the Plan would expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant <br /> concentrations. <br /> (a) Facts in Support of Finding: The EIR assessed the potential for the Plan to expose sensitive <br /> receptors to substantial concentrations of CO,Asbestos,and toxic air contaminants (TACs). It found that <br /> the Plan did not have the potential to substantially increase CO hotspots or potential exposure to asbestos, <br /> but that it could,through construction and operation,increase exposure of sensitive receptors to TACs. <br /> (b) Effects of Plan Policies and Remaining Impacts:Construction of the new land use developments <br /> allowable under the Plan would occur intermittently in the planning area throughout the course of the <br /> buildout period.Diesel construction equipment would be regulated under airborne toxic control measures <br /> (ATCMs) adopted by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The Plan does not include additional <br /> feasible policies that would further reduce impacts from construction below a level of significance. <br /> When siting new sensitive receptors, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) <br /> Guidelines advise that lead agencies examine existing or future proposed sources of TAC and/or particulate <br /> matter that would adversely affect individuals within the planning area. Development of new sensitive <br /> receptors would be subject to project-level CEQA assessment.The Plan does not include additional feasible <br /> policies that would further reduce impacts from operation of existing stationary sources below a level of <br /> significance. <br /> (c) Rationale and Conclusion: The Plan would allow growth of new residential land uses that would be <br /> sensitive receptors and new construction that has potential for new emissions sources. Typically, these <br /> sources would be evaluated through the BAAQMD permit process and/or the CEQA process to identify <br /> and mitigate any significant exposures. This impact will be mitigated through imposition of Mitigation <br /> Measures AQ-1,AQ-2,AQ-3,and AQ-4,which require implementation of the following actions: <br /> • AQ-1:Prior to issuance of construction permits, development project applicants that are subject to <br /> CEQA and exceed the screening sizes in BAAQMD's CEQA Guidelines shall prepare and submit to <br /> 12 <br /> the CEQA <br /> 4 <br />d to comply with <br /> 1 <br />e use shall be at least 300 feet from an R or 0 district. <br /> Distributed at the May 28,2019, Downtown Specific Plan Update Task Force Meeting and the June 26,2019 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> Provided for Reference 54 <br />