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PROPOSED PROJECT <br /> The applicant is proposing to construct an approximately 700-square-foot, single-story storage <br /> room addition to the east of the existing detached garage. The colors and materials of the <br /> addition will match those of the existing garage and residence. Please see the attached site <br /> plan, floor plan, and elevations (Exhibit B) for additional information on the proposed project. <br /> ANALYSIS <br /> As discussed in the Background section, the subject property does not have established <br /> development standards. Therefore, a CUP is required to construct the proposed addition. For <br /> similar past CUP applications for additions in PUD districts without a development <br /> plan/standards, staff generally applies the closest standard (i.e. non-PUD) Zoning District <br /> standards to the subject property based on its lot size. Given the size of the lot, which is <br /> approximately 1.09 acres, the closest development standards are those of the R-1-40,000 <br /> (One-Family Residential) District. In addition, since the subject property is located in the <br /> NSSP, the proposal is also subject to any applicable NSSP regulations. Although the NSSP <br /> provides some guidance on site development standards, it is limited to the main structure and <br /> not an accessory structure like the subject application. Therefore, staff has compared the <br /> subject application to the R-1-40,000 District development standards. <br /> With the previous CUP and DR applications (P16-0748 and P16-0222), staff determined the <br /> location of the front, rear, and side yards of the lot: the northern portion being the front yard; <br /> the east and west portions being the side yards; and the southern portion being the rear yard. <br /> Table 1 compares the proposed project to the R-1-40,000 accessory structure development <br /> standards. <br /> Table 1: Development Standards for Accessory Structures <br /> R-1-40,000 Proposed Project <br /> Min. Front Yard Setback 30 feet 15-16 feet <br /> Min. Side Yard Setback 20 feet 69 feet, east side/ <br /> 112 feet (no change), west side <br /> Min. Rear Yard Setback 20 feet 90 feet <br /> Max. Height 15 feet 15 feet <br /> Max. Floor Area Ratio (FAR) 25% 7.5% <br /> The proposed addition to the garage would be built with the same front yard setback as the <br /> existing garage, which is 15 feet. While this does not comply with the 30-foot minimum front <br /> yard setback of the R-1-40,000 District, staff finds the proposed setback to be acceptable since <br /> the addition would be located approximately 300 feet away from Sycamore Road and the <br /> addition wouldn't be visible from the road. Otherwise, as shown in the table above, the <br /> proposed addition meets or exceeds all other applicable accessory structure development <br /> standards of the R-1-40,000 District. The proposed single-story addition would be mostly <br /> screened from neighboring properties by existing, mature trees and landscaping on- and <br /> off-site. <br /> North Sycamore Specific Plan Design Guidelines <br /> Since the subject property is in the NSSP area, the NSSP area standards and guidelines will <br /> also apply to the proposed project. <br /> P19-0112 and P19-0113, 455 Sycamore Road Planning Commission <br /> 4 of 6 <br />