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Evident.10 Exits for $300 million Just <br />5 Years After Inception - A Brief With <br />Tim Prendergast, Founder <br />© <br />Evident.10 provided public cloud infrastructure <br />security tools for Amazon Web Services (AWS) <br />and had over 200 clients including Adobe, <br />Airbnb, Capital One, Starbucks and SONY at <br />the time it was acquired by Palo Alto Networks <br />(NYSE: PANW) for $300 million in 2017, Starting <br />with a $15 million Seed investment from True <br />Ventures, they grew quickly and within four <br />years had raised over $49 million from top <br />tech investors like Google Ventures, Venrock <br />and Bain Capital. As part of their Series C, they <br />also raised money from In -O -Tel, the official <br />VC arm of the Central Intelligence Agency <br />(CIA). We spoke with Tim Prendergast, the <br />Founder of Evident.10 and current Chief <br />Cloud Officer at Palo Alto Networks, about <br />building his company in the Tri -Valley: <br />Tim isn't the typical Stanford graduate, Silicon <br />Valley tech entrepreneur you would normally <br />meet. "I was raised in a town in Arizona so <br />small that the sheriff was the butcher. Literally. <br />Technology wasn't a thing where I grew up." <br />One day his father bought him an Apple II <br />computer "because naturally you can't have <br />a red head running around under the sun <br />all day," and it changed his life. He started <br />off teaching himself basic lines of code but <br />quickly graduated to hacking. "I always liked <br />figuring out how things worked and pushing <br />the boundaries a bit." Two years into pursuing <br />a degree in Microbiology at ASU he dropped <br />out to pursue his love for coding and a career <br />in Silicon Valley, Over the next 10 years, Tim <br />worked at multiple cybersecurity companies, <br />learning what he could from one and moving <br />on to the next, and in 2011 found himself as the <br />Lead Architect for Adobe's cloud platform. <br />"That was really the beginning of the cloud. <br />Before then no one had even heard of AWS, but I <br />knew that it Was the future. In the past, everyone <br />had disparate systems and security really <br />needed to be tailored. I realized very quickly <br />that the cloud was an equalizer. If everyone <br />moved to the cloud, then everyone's system <br />was going to be the same and everyone would <br />be facing the same problems. There needed to <br />be a security platform that could monitor the <br />cloud and, most importantly, do it in real-time." <br />When Tim left Adobe to start Evident.10 in <br />Quick Facts <br />Clients: Airbnb, Capital One, Starbucks, Sony <br />Acquired for: $300M <br />Tri -Valley Appeal: Low Rents <br />M <br />