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Michael and Darlene Miller, appellants, thanked Council for its consideration; addressed meetings <br /> with the Chabad and noted their only concern was noise from outside activities. Ms. Miller noted <br /> they have come to agreements on various issues, including noise, with the Chabad but as a result <br /> of the most recent agenda report expressed concerns regarding denial of their request for a <br /> sound wall, taking issue with staffs comparison of Chabad to other religious institutions. She <br /> added the Chabad has agreed to the installation of a sound wall and stated they support staffs <br /> recommendation of no more than 24 children on the playground with 2.5 hours of use. Another <br /> concern raised was in regard to the 2005 St. Clare's Master Plan and spoke in opposition to it. <br /> Ms. Miller spoke about working closely with Chabad and reported they are encouraging neighbors <br /> who have issues with the project to sit down with them to resolve them. <br /> Michael Miller felt the proposed solution is far from perfect, but it is a good one, given the needs of <br /> the Chabad and its proximity to surrounding residences. He stated Chabad has been a good <br /> neighbor and thanked them for working hard to develop mutually-agreeable solutions. He thanked <br /> staff for their work; asked for approval of an eight-foot sound wall on the northside, facing their <br /> property; agreed with staff in limiting capacity and hours of the outdoor play area; agreed with <br /> Chabad asking that large, outdoor events be limited to five events in a three-month summer <br /> period (June, July and August); agreed that the City allow two outdoor events per year of up to <br /> 250 people; agreed with increasing the occupancy inside the Chabad and agreed to expanding <br /> the small-group meeting area to more than twenty-four people, but suggested considering the <br /> issue after the area has been sized. Additionally, he asked that the small group area not be used <br /> before 7:00 a.m., asked that the Chabad be allowed to use a microphone and indicated opposition <br /> to the St. Clare's Church Master Plan. Mr. Miller shared their experiences as Christians, noting <br /> the importance of treating others how you would like to be treated. <br /> Rabbi Raleigh Resnick expressed agreement with and support of Mr. Miller's comments; noted <br /> this has been a long process and listed items they feel they need to operate successfully. He <br /> referenced Condition No. 3; noted when they first bought the property there was a title search and <br /> there was no recorded agreement; stated talking with St. Clare's about the possibility of building a <br /> parking lot, but making this a contingency and forcing the taking of the land for shared parking is <br /> not something they can have to be able to function. He added they executed a parking agreement <br /> with St. Clare's, and it does not require the building of a parking lot for another 48 1/2 years. He <br /> asked Council to strike the condition and allow the Chabad and St. Clare's to work together. <br /> Rabbi Resnick requested clarity regarding Condition No. 4 as to the meaning of"may include" and <br /> asked that it be amended to reflect any fifteen events. Relative to Condition No. 5 and a new <br /> outdoor terrace, he asked that they be allowed to have at least 50 people in the area and agreed <br /> with limiting operations from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Regarding the number of people allowed in <br /> the building, he stated they have had more than 120 people in the building every week for the last <br /> two years, without any parking issue and asked to increase the number of people to 250. Rabbi <br /> Resnick referenced Condition No. 21 and did not feel, from a security issue, they need to make all <br /> of their events public and asked for clarification regarding audit. He confirmed surrounding <br /> neighbors and staff will be notified of large events and stressed that in order to function, they need <br /> to have 75 square feet of space per child for 48 children, which is the State licensing requirement; <br /> at least 4,000 square feet is needed for the playground and at least 4,000 square feet for the <br /> outdoor area. He added he would like to have at least 250 people for two of their fifteen outdoor <br /> events. <br /> Helen Principe reported she was neighbors with the Resnick's for ten years and found them to be <br /> polite, respectful and inclusive. She was glad the Miller's have built a relationship with them and <br /> spoke in support of the project. She expressed concern with putting thresholds on religious events <br /> and felt there is a need for inclusiveness. <br /> City Council Minutes Page 6 of 20 April 16, 2019 <br />
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