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Ordinance No. 2190 <br /> Page 3 <br /> 4. Whether grading in conjunction with the proposed development plan takes into <br /> account environmental characteristics and is designed in keeping with the best <br /> engineering practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooring, and to have as minimal an <br /> effect upon the environment as possible. <br /> The City Council finds that grading is kept to a minimum is only proposed for the building <br /> pad and site improvements. A Geotechnical Report was provided by Henry Justiniano & <br /> Associates dated "Received August 2, 2018" which analyzes the property and provides a <br /> number of recommendations regarding site preparations, foundation design, and other <br /> pertinent solutions. Ultimately, the report notes the site is suitable for the proposed <br /> residence. In addition, the flood hazard maps of the Federal Emergency Management <br /> Agency (FEMA) indicate that the subject property is not located in a flood hazard zone. <br /> Finally, dust suppression measures will be required as a Condition of Approval. As such, <br /> the Council concludes that this finding can be made. <br /> 5. Whether streets, buildings, and other manmade structures have been designed and <br /> located in such a manner to complement the natural terrain and landscape. <br /> The proposed project does not include the extension of any new public streets. The subject <br /> lot is relatively flat and thus the proposed residence does not require extensive grading and <br /> does not contrast the natural terrain. The City Council finds the proposal is sensitive to <br /> existing landscaping, maintaining a majority of the mature vegetation on-site. While a new <br /> second-story residence is proposed, given the proposed home's large setbacks, extensive <br /> landscaping, and articulated building design the additional height is largely mitigated and <br /> the scale is appropriate. The architectural style and detailing of the proposed residence is <br /> compatible with the existing residence and neighborhood. As such, the Council concludes <br /> that this finding can be made. <br /> 6. Whether adequate public safety measures have been incorporated into the design or <br /> the proposed development plan. <br /> The City Council finds subject site has adequate turn-around area to serve fire trucks <br /> which, as conditioned, must be maintained. The new home will be equipped with automatic <br /> residential fire sprinklers. In addition, the proposed home will be required to meet the <br /> requirements of applicable City and State codes. As such, the Council concludes that this <br /> finding can be made. <br /> 7. Whether the proposed development plan conforms to the purposes of the PUD <br /> district. <br /> The City Council finds the proposed development plan conforms to the purposes of the <br /> PUD district including to allow residential uses on the lots. In addition, the intent is to <br /> maintain adequate light, air, privacy, and separation between dwellings and requires <br /> specific landscape, fencing, lighting, and other design requirements unique to the district. <br /> The project will help implement the intent of the district through large setbacks, extensive <br /> landscaping, and context sensitive building and site design. As such, the Council concludes <br /> that this finding can be made. <br /> SECTION 3: The City Council hereby approves the application for PUD development <br /> plan, PUD-131 as reflected in the plans dated January 18, 2019 to construct a new approximately <br /> 5,059-square-foot single-family residence with an approximately 939-square-foot attached garage <br /> and convert the existing 1,016-square-foot residence to an Accessory Dwelling unit located at 481 <br /> Sycamore Road, subject to the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit A, attached hereto and <br /> incorporated into this ordinance by reference. <br />