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Chair Allen said as she understands, Barone's restaurant and the Shell gas station will be on <br /> Map A; which will change the General Plan, the DSP and any zoning to say it can be <br /> mixed-use, and those changes will get made in advance of any PUD going forward. <br /> Commissioner Brown said to be specific, he referred to the DSP, General Plan and zoning <br /> including the residential overlay and said when the City Council ultimately approves the Final <br /> DSP, he asked if the zoning has changed or would that wait until a PUD is proposed. <br /> Mr. Beaudin said the General Plan itself can remain as is, because it allows for a range of <br /> uses already for the Barone's restaurant site particularly, and the goal is to have the General <br /> Plan and zoning, the specific plan itself, speak to the wider range of uses. This change would <br /> occur concurrently with the plan update. He said the point made by Commissioner Brown is <br /> entirely correct; there would be a PUD application that would be required, which is a <br /> legislative change, and there would have to be another level of environmental review to <br /> ensure technicalities are addressed for that specific site and the project before the City at <br /> that time. He clarified the list of options are within in the DSP. <br /> Commissioner Brown clarified that Mr. Beaudin is stating that the residential overlay, at that <br /> point, would already be approved and be in alignment across the plans. <br /> Mr. Beaudin said he was going to bring the conversation back to the environmental process, <br /> because the current discussion is moving more towards a policy conversation. He continued <br /> to say that from an environmental review perspective, the idea of a commercial site or <br /> residential project, staff has taken an initial look and it is a lower impact relative to traffic, if it <br /> does shift to a residential use. Therefore, creating the list of options does not create more <br /> complexity from an environmental review perspective. Regarding the comment from the <br /> speaker earlier regarding underground storage tanks, there are standard mitigations that <br /> exist for those transitions and plans required to ensure the soils and other contamination <br /> issues are addressed. Staff would ensure all of this analysis is done. The same issue with a <br /> PUD and there would be further discussion with the community as to whether the project is <br /> appropriate and additional environmental review at that time. <br /> Again, he stressed that this is a healthy policy discussion on the horizon as to whether those <br /> sites are in or out. From an environmental perspective, staff is comfortable that the <br /> document allows that policy conversation to take place. <br /> Commissioner Ritter lastly said his biggest issue is to make sure the environmental report is <br /> not overly restrictive in its analysis, where if the whole City was wiped out by a natural <br /> disaster, the roads and buildings could be rebuilt. He wants to be sure they are <br /> encompassing the big picture where they can put a garage underneath and two units above <br /> so they are not over-restricting their analysis. Other than that, Commissioner Ritter said he <br /> thinks the DSP came up with some good recommendations at the last meeting and he <br /> endorsed most of those. <br /> Mr. Beaudin confirmed that a motion was not needed and he thanked the Commission for <br /> their comments. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 17 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />ve forward with redevelopment of the Civic Center site, there's anticipation that <br /> the envelope, location of the driveways, number of trips, location of the parking structure, <br /> hotel, etc. will require more analysis and details, especially around traffic. <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 16 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br /> of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />mmunity. She follows all rules and instructs the <br /> Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 18 March 13, 2019 <br />