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PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENTS <br /> Notices of this application were sent to surrounding property owners and tenants within a <br /> 1,000-foot radius of the site. Staff has provided the location and noticing map as Exhibit C for <br /> reference. At the time this report was published, staff had not received any public comments <br /> about the project. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> This project is categorically exempt (Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities) from the <br /> requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Therefore, no environmental <br /> document accompanies this report. <br /> SUMMARY/CONCLUSION <br /> As proposed and conditioned, staff believes that the proposed warehouse and distribution <br /> facility will be compatible with and will not detrimentally affect the surrounding uses or <br /> residences. Conditions of approval have been included which will ensure that the safety and <br /> general welfare of the surrounding area, and the City in general, is maintained. Staff believes <br /> that the proposed use will provide a service needed by businesses of Pleasanton and the <br /> surrounding area and that the proposed location is appropriate. <br /> Primary Author: <br /> Eric Luchini, Associate Planner, 925-931-5612 or eluchink <br /> Reviewed/Approved By: <br /> Steve Otto, Senior Planner <br /> Ellen Clark, Planning Manager <br /> Gerry Beaudin, Director of Community Development <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 8 of 8 <br />y would adversely affect <br /> existing or future adjacent/nearby uses or residences, or exceed the noise thresholds. <br /> ALTERNATIVES <br /> As articulated above, staff believes the warehouse and distribution facility, as proposed and <br /> conditioned, is consistent with the objectives of the zoning district. However, alternatives to the <br /> proposal that could be considered by the Planning Commission include: <br /> 1. Denial of the application. Such an action would preclude the applicant from occupying <br /> the subject site and conducting the specified activities; or <br /> 2. Approval of the CUP with modifications. The Planning Commission could approve the <br /> CUP, but with modified hours of operation, or other changes to the proposal. <br /> Since staff is able to support the findings to approve the project, as proposed, and believes the <br /> project will not adversely impact any existing on-site uses or the surrounding area, staff <br /> suggests that neither of the two project alternatives above should be pursued. <br /> SUMMARY OF PROS/CONS OF PROJECT <br /> PROS CONS <br /> Promotes economic development and job Increases traffic, noise, and parking demand <br /> growth due to potential hire of City residents. at this project site (however, <br /> traffic/circulation, noise, and parking impacts <br /> would not be adverse and would be similar to <br /> past uses). <br /> Allows for reuse of an otherwise vacant <br /> building with a similar use and activities as <br /> previous tenants. <br /> Consistent with zoning regulations. <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 7of8 <br />d <br /> harmful intrusions." For the most part, staff anticipates that the proposed warehouse and <br /> distribution facility would generate interior noise levels comparable to and no different from <br /> those of a typical office or light industrial use. All planned activities would be held indoors, with <br /> the exterior doors closed during operating hours (with the exception of delivery truck <br /> loading/unloading activities). According to the applicant, all delivery trucks would be parked <br /> with their engines turned off, no idling would be permitted and no reverse beeping sounds <br /> would be permitted between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Furthermore, the subject <br /> building does not contain any operable windows, which will further reduce potential noise <br /> impacts on the surrounding area. To further minimize any potential noise impacts, staff is <br /> recommending the following conditions of approval: <br /> • All exterior doors must remain closed at all times during operating hours except during <br /> delivery truck loading/unloading activities; <br /> P18-0225, 5675 Sunol Boulevard Planning Commission <br /> 6 of 8 <br />amp. team competitions during the camp. <br />in and Greek their own insightful interpretations of a text effective rhetoric.The class is structured <br /> stems. This course will expand on fifth grade and convey their ideas clearly and elegantly in around three writing projects:an exploratory <br /> reading and writing objectives for written writing.Lessons guide students through essay,an evaluation of academic ideas,and <br /> communication,oral communication, increasingly sophisticated selections from a a research paper.Additionally,students will <br /> literature,and syntax. variety of fiction and non-fiction sources. review grammar concepts in greater depth <br /> Along the way,students practice emulating and study challenging vocabulary words and <br /> the authors they are reading,and work closely roots. <br /> with their teachers to learn the craft of literary <br /> analysis. <br /> with a study of <br /> calculus. inequalities. <br />