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As discussed in the introduction, Ponderosa made some adjustments to the lotting and grading <br />plan from their initial March 2018 submittal, to reduce the degree to which the lots and grading <br />areas overlapped with areas of slopes 25 percent or greater. Nonetheless, several such areas <br />remain. <br />Most of the grading within areas of 25 percent or more slopes are associated with proposed <br />streets and the EVA road (see discussion of roads as structures, below.) However, some <br />grading would occur within sloped areas of 25 percent or more to facilitate the creation of new <br />lots for residential development, in particular for Lots 1 and 4 (Figure 11). While there are lots <br />with various sized anomalies, eliminating one or more lots would reduce or remove the need to <br />grade in sloped areas of 25 percent or more (i.e., eliminating Lots 10, 11, 19, and/or 31); <br />reorienting the remaining lots could allow for further refinement of the grading such that it <br />would be outside of those steeper areas. Lots 1-4, 10, 11, and 19 are lots with larger areas of <br />slopes 25 percent or greater, although in some instances, similar to the anomalies, it was not <br />always easy to clearly distinguish these areas from adjacent areas. <br />P18-0078IP18-00791P18-00801P18-0081/PUD- 130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />16 of 26 <br />