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Figure 7: Slope and Proposed Grading <br />l <br />M <br />I <br />The City has granular (i.e. highly -detailed) topographical mapping that uses one -foot contours, <br />dating from 2017, which was used in the above mapping. As prescribed by the Southeast Hills <br />adopted methodology, this granularity is "smoothed" by calculating the average slope over <br />three-foot by three-foot areas. This approach is intended to balance being protective in that <br />even small variations in slope using one -foot contour intervals are mapped but allow for the <br />"noise" of minor variations in topography to be reduced by averaging out slopes over <br />nine -square -foot areas. <br />Lots and Grading Areas: Overlap with Areas of 25 Percent or Greater Slope <br />Figures 8-12 are focused excerpts of the map in Figure 7. The images focus on various areas <br />or anomalies (minor variations or `spots') within proposed lots and graded areas, where the <br />slopes are 25 percent or greater over very small areas, generally within a much broader area <br />that otherwise has slopes less than 25 percent. (Lots with larger or more significant areas of <br />slopes, such as Lots 10, 11 and 19, are discussed separately, below). <br />Staff conducted a field visit on March 12, 2019, where the applicant had flagged a number of <br />these spots. It was difficult, in most instances (and in the absence of the flags) to distinguish <br />significant differences in the slope of these small areas versus the surrounding areas less than <br />P18-00781P18-00791P18-00801P18-0081/PUD-130 Planning Commission <br />10807, 11021, and 11033 Dublin Canyon Road and the parcel west of 11021 Dublin Canyon Road <br />14 of 26 <br />