Mini-Grant#: 18-17 Jackson Avenue Elementary School,Jackson Avenue Elementary School's Green Schools Project,
<br /> Livermore,East County,$1,000.00-Funds will be used to provide students with recycling program materials and a release fay for
<br /> two teachers to plan recycling lessons for the school site to comply with AB 1826 and SB 1018.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-18 Joe Michell Elementary School,Joe Michell Elementary School's Green Schools Project,Livermore,East
<br /> County,$1,000.00-Funds will be used to provide students with recycling program materials and a release fay for two teachers to
<br /> plan recycling lessons for the school site to comply with AB 1826 and SB 1018.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-19 Castro Valley Sanitary District(CVSan),English to Chinese Translation of Outreach Materials,Castro
<br /> Valley,West County,$2,500.00-Funds will be used to translate new outreach materials from English to Chinese(Mandarin)in
<br /> anticipation of its new franchise-hauling contract starting in May 2019.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-20 Arroyo Seco Elementary School,Arroyo Seco Elementary School's Green Schools Project,Livermore,
<br /> East County,$1,000.00-Funds will be used to provide students with recycling program materials and a release fay for two teachers
<br /> to plan recycling lessons for the school site to comply with AB 1826 and SB 1018.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-21 Loved Twice,Helping Homeless Babies and Raising Awareness in the Community on Benefits of Reuse,
<br /> Oakland,West County,$1,000.00-Funds will be used to clothe 200 babies in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties with wardrobes-
<br /> in-a-box,which will be collected by school children in Alameda County who participate in reused baby clothing drives and sorting
<br /> parties.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-22 Alameda Science&Technology Institute Green Club,ATSI Garden Zero-Waste Project,Alameda,West
<br /> County,$1,074.00-Funds will be used to supply resources that will be used for the community garden,as well as around the school
<br /> to create an eco-friendly learning place.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-23 Oakland Unified School District,Worm Bin Composting in Oakland Unified School District,Oakland,
<br /> West County,$2,900.00-Funds will be used to implement a cafeteria food scrap diversion initiative that will be integrated with these
<br /> nine schools'emerging garden and nutrition education programs.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-24 City of Dublin,Farmers Market Waste Reduction Tools,Dublin,East County,$3,000.00-Funds will be
<br /> used to provide relevant waste reduction education and tools to patrons of the farmer's market that target typical waste generated from
<br /> produce shopping such as plastic produce bags and food waste.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-25 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention in Fremont Joint Unified
<br /> School District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide source reduction through green cleaning
<br /> implantation to elementary schools located in Fremont Joint Unified School District.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-26 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention in Livermore Joint Unified
<br /> School District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide source reduction through green cleaning
<br /> implantation to elementary schools located in Livermore Joint Unified School District.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-27 Sharma Environmental Consulting,Source Reduction-Pollution Prevention in Alameda Unified School
<br /> District,Fremont,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to provide source reduction through green cleaning implantation to
<br /> elementary schools located in Alameda Unified School District.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-28 City of Dublin,Multi-Family Recycle Bags,Dublin,East County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to
<br /> purchase reusable recycling collection tote bags for multifamily residents' use.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-29 San Lorenzo Unified School District,Waste Reduction in San Lorenzo Schools,San Lorenzo,West
<br /> County,$3,000.00-Funds will be used to assist in coordinating the reduction waste,specifically at the cafeteria waste in San Lorenzo
<br /> School District.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-30 St.Raymond's Catholic Church and School,St.Raymond's School&Church Waste Prevention and
<br /> Recycling Education Project,Dublin,East County,$2,500.00-Funds will be used to assist in expanding the collection of paper,
<br /> bottles and cans to include all church facilities as well as implement a food scrap/organics recycling program.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-31 Leconte Elementary School,Leconte Waste Reduction,Berkeley,West County,$3,000.00-Funds will be
<br /> used to purchase a new waste station to be placed in the large play yard.
<br /> Mini-Grant#: 18-32 Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda(CASA),Zero Waste Block Leaders,Alameda,West
<br /> County,$2,736.00-Funds will be used to purchase 12 Zero Waste Party Packs for a pilot project used to recruit 50 Zero Waste Block
<br /> Leaders to cover the 15 major neighborhoods throughout Alameda.
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