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Program 18.5:When considering how to urine the City's Lower-Income <br /> Housing Fund,consider whether a proposal with anon-profit housing Although this situation did not present itself in 2018,the City is currently working with <br /> developer and afor-profit housing developer partnership should be a Consider prioritization by Sunflower Hill,a nonprofit organization,on a housing project within Irby Ranch and <br /> higher pdodry project due to its ability to polenfialy secure better funding January 2016. will continue to consider both non-profit vs.for-profit partnerships on a case-by-case <br /> rind he drerhevat basis. <br /> Policy 26: Encourage non-profit and joint for-profit <br /> housing developments by offering incentives.Non- <br /> profit and joint for-profit housing developers of <br /> housing affordable to moderate-,low-,extremely <br /> low-,and very low-income households shall have <br /> the highest City priority for approval.Specific City <br /> Program 28.1:Actively assist owners of property zoned or designated incentives to encourage such housing developments <br /> High-Density-Residential in soliciting non profit housing organizations for are the following:• Priority for the Growth <br /> proposals to develop housing affordable to extremely low-,moderate-, Management affordable-housing sub allocation; Ongoing;information to <br /> low-,and very low-income households on available sites using lower Expedited permit processing;•• Fee property owners within six The City continues to provide a wide range of information and available resources <br /> income housing fees.The objective of this program is to assure that waivers;• Contributions from the lower- months of Housing related to affordable housing on the City's website.The City will continue to <br /> owners of HDR properties are informed d City affordable housing income housing fund;• Use of available City- Element adoption and at encourage owners of high density residential sites to partner with non-profit <br /> programs.The City will notify all property owners of HDR sites of owned land;• Density bonuses;• City least two additional times organizations. <br /> available City housing programs within 6 months of Housing Element assistance in obtaining financing or funding;• during the planning period. <br /> adoption. Assistance in providing public improvements; <br /> • Consideration of reduced development <br /> standards,such as reducing the number of parking <br /> spaces (this consideration does not include <br /> reducing the number of required on-site parking <br /> spaces in the Downtown Specific Plan Area);and <br /> •Consideration of mortgage revenue bonds. <br /> Program 282:Continue to actively support the activities of non-profit The City maintained active support(including financial assistance through the City's <br /> organizations that provide special needs housing as well as housing Housing and Human Services Grant program)for a wide range of nonprofit <br /> affordable to low-and very low-income households,through technical Meet with nonprofit housing organizations in 2018,including East Bay Housing Organizations,Habitat for <br /> assistance or other means.The objective of this program is to assure providers annually and Humanity,ECHO Housing,CRIL,Abode Services,and Tri-Valley REACH,Inc. In <br /> that the City maintains a full range of incentives that are beneficial to ongoing addition,the City worked directly with MidPen Housing,Satellite Affordable Housing <br /> as�<n��,yy�rr nimr vir,n na,a rs A--ociates(SAHA)and Sunflower Hill on oroiect-specific activities <br /> Program 28 3 When land oecomes available to the City.consider As noted above,the City will acquire one parcel of land within Irby Ranch with the <br /> reserving those saes for nor-profit organizations to build housing When land becomes intent of using the land to provide new affordable housing in partnership with <br /> affordable to moderate-,low-,extremely low,and very low-income available to the City Sunflower Hill(a nonprofit). The City will continue to monitor future opportunities to <br /> ilousehdd glat�nclude three bedrogrt units(w lame haisehdds acquire land for affordable housinc, <br /> Program onhnue to use the Growth Management Report to Policy 30:Encourage substantial private <br /> monitor the numbers and The City continues to monitor and review the Growth Management Program.In 2018 <br /> types of units bud at all income levels.Use this development of housing affordable to extremely low,With preparation of Growth the City issued a total of 3 Growth Management Allocations out of the maximum 235 <br /> information to facilitate the issuance of sufficient numbers of permits to low,and very low income households through the Management Report allocations per year. <br /> ,pts the regional housing need throuohout the olanninnoeriad Growth Management Program. <br /> Program 302:Review and amend the Growth Management Program to <br /> reflect current housing and infrastructure conditions and current housing <br /> needs,and to ensure that the Growth Management Ordinance does not <br /> ew <br /> include constaints includingreventin thefrom meeting its share d Januaryamendments 2016for and <br /> P 9City 9 and and <br /> the regional housing need for all income revels during the Housing continue annual review. <br /> Element planning period.Potential revisions include establishing a The City shall notify HCD <br /> regional housing need allocation exemption for all lower income housing, of implementation,utilizing Refer to the status for Program 30.1. <br /> incorporating all lower income regional housing need allocation the annual General Plan <br /> requirements into the growth management allocation,and mandating the progress report required by <br /> ability to'borrow"albcation units for lower income housing from future Govemment Code Section <br /> years to accommodate all levels of regional housing need allocation 65400. <br /> through the developer's development agreement.growth management <br /> agreement or other legislative act. <br /> The City continues to maintain active Building and Code Enforcement programs. <br /> Program 35.1:Maintain building and housing code enforcement Policy 35:Eliminate all substandard housing Ongoing The City responds to resident complaints related to Building Code and Housing <br /> programs,and monitor project conditions of approvalconditions within the community. Code violations on an ongoing basis. <br /> The City continues to rehabilitate affordable housing to the greatest extent feasible. <br /> Since October 2016,Habitat for Humanity has been administering the City's <br /> Program 352:Continue the Rental Housing Rehabilitation Program to Housing Rehabilitation Program.which provides grants or loans to low-,very low-, <br /> improve rental units affordable to low-.extremely low-,and very-low- Apply for funding annually and extreme low-income homeowners. No <br /> and ongoing extremely City-sponsored major rehab work was <br /> income households. implemented in apartment complexes;however,the City is currently working on one <br /> small project to install accessibility improvements at a privately owned rental unit <br /> occupied by an extremely low-income tenant. <br />