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BACKGROUND <br /> In 1992, the City initiated a formal funding application process for community-based <br /> organizations providing human services, cultural arts and programs promoting the City. These <br /> grant requests were originally reviewed annually by the Human Services Commission, with <br /> funding recommendations forwarded to the City Council for inclusion in the fiscal Operations <br /> Budget. Beginning in FY 1995/96, the application process was extended to include youth <br /> services/needs. The Civic Arts Commission was established in 1996 and began to review <br /> requests in the cultural arts category. <br /> In June 2007, compliance protocols were approved authorizing each commission to identify, if <br /> appropriate, a list of additional or increased awards for consideration should funds become <br /> available. This protocol provides an opportunity for the commissions to recommend the <br /> reallocation of unused funds from a specific category, or from an incomplete or underachieving <br /> project. Each commission's task is to critically review the applications submitted in an effort to <br /> reach funding solutions that make the most efficient and equitable use of limited City Grant <br /> funds. <br /> The current Application Packet includes general information, mission statement, funding <br /> categories, evaluation criteria, funding priorities and limitations for the City Grant Program. <br /> Additionally, it defines the application review/evaluation process for the Civic Arts and Youth <br /> commissions, within each interest area, and clarifies funding accountability. <br /> FISCAL YEAR 2019/2020 FUNDING CYCLE <br /> Application Process <br /> Application Packets were available online beginning December 13, 2018, with applications due <br /> on January 22, 2019 by 3 p.m. The appropriate City commissions reviewed and evaluated the <br /> applications in February 2019. The FY 2019/2020 application process allowed time for the <br /> agencies to prepare applications, City staff to evaluate applications, and Commissioners to <br /> review prior to the March commission meetings. Applicants have also been notified that each <br /> agency must attend the appropriate City commission meeting and some have been requested to <br /> make a presentation. <br /> Funding Guidelines and Priorities <br /> At its meeting on November 5, 2018, the Civic Arts Commission adopted a funding guideline <br /> statement. In evaluating applications for this category, the Civic Arts Commission will primarily <br /> consider projects that: <br /> • Engage new and diverse participants and/or new audience members for the arts in <br /> Pleasanton. <br /> • Target a specific community need or a gap in art services; and/or <br /> • Involve co-production and collaboration with local organizations. <br /> • NOTE: Residual funding from previous year in the amount of$4,402 is available to those <br /> groups interested in participating in Ignite 2019. <br /> Funding levels remained at a maximum of $7,500 per grant request. <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br />