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shall extend for a reasonable period of time after completion of the project as well as during the <br /> period of actual performance of services under this Agreement. The City's acceptance of the <br /> insurance certificates required under this Agreement does not relieve the Consultant from its <br /> obligation under this paragraph. <br /> 12. Insurance. During the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall maintain in full force and <br /> effect, at its own cost and expense, insurance coverages with insurers with an A.M. Best's rating <br /> of no less than A:VII. Contractor shall have the obligation to furnish City, as additional insured, <br /> the minimum coverages identified below, or such greater or broader coverage for City, if <br /> available in the Contractor's policies: <br /> a. General Liability and Bodily Injury Insurance. Commercial general liability <br /> insurance with limits of at least $2,000,000 combined limit for bodily injury and <br /> property damage that provides that the City, its officers, employees and agents are <br /> named as additional insureds under the policy as evidenced by an additional insured <br /> endorsement satisfactory to the City Attorney. The policy shall state in writing either <br /> on the Certificate of Insurance or attached rider that this insurance will operate as <br /> primary insurance for work performed by Consultant and its subconsultants, and that <br /> no other insurance effected by City or other named insured will be called on to cover <br /> a loss. <br /> b. Automobile Liability Insurance. Automobile liability insurance vv ith limits not less <br /> than $2,000,000 per person/per occurrence. <br /> c. Workers' Compensation Insurance. Workers' Compensation Insurance for all of <br /> Consultant's employees, in strict compliance with State laws, including a waiver of <br /> subrogation and Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of at least$1,000,000. <br /> c. Professional Liability Insurance. Professional liability insurance in the amount of <br /> $2,000,000. <br /> d. Certificate of Insurance. Consultant shall file a certificate of insurance with the City <br /> prior to the City's execution of this Agreement, and prior to engaging in any <br /> operation or activity set forth in this Agreement. The Certificate of Insurance shall <br /> provide in writing that the insurance afforded by this Certificate shall not be <br /> suspended, voided, canceled, reduced in coverage or in limits without providing <br /> notice to the City in accordance with California Insurance Code section 677.2 which <br /> requires the notice of cancellation to: 1) include the effective date of the cancellation; <br /> 2) include the reasons for the cancellation; and 3) be given at least 30 days prior to <br /> the effective date of the cancellation, except that in the case of cancellation for <br /> nonpayment of premiums or for fraud, the notice shall be given no less than 10 days <br /> prior to the effective date of the cancellation. Notice shall be sent by certified mail, <br /> return receipt requested. In addition, the insured shall provide thirty(30)days prior <br /> written notice to the City of any cancellation, suspension, reduction of coverage or in <br /> limits, or voiding of the insurance coverage required by this agreement. The City <br /> reserves the right to require complete certified copies of policies. <br /> Wage <br />