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Attachment 4 <br /> MOR AN <br /> rylir <br /> ENGINEERING, INC. <br /> CIVIL ENGINEERS/LAND SURVEYORS <br /> November 20, 2018 <br /> Richard Larson <br /> MIG <br /> 800 Hearst Avenue <br /> Berkeley, CA 94710 <br /> Re: Lion's Wayside and Delucchi Parks, Pleasanton <br /> Dear Richard, <br /> Moran Engineering proposes to perform the necessary field surveying and office work <br /> required to prepare a Topographic Survey Map of the above captioned parks to serve as the basis <br /> for design of planned site improvements by MIG. This mapping will cover the area as outlined <br /> on the attached map and will show site features to include the existing structures, hardscape, <br /> curbs, walls, visible utility facilities, significant trees, creeks and other features at the discretion of <br /> our field crew. Spot elevations will be shown throughout the property with contours drawn at an <br /> appropriate interval. Be aware that establishing a property boundary will not be a part of this <br /> scope of work. <br /> The fee for this work is estimated to be in the general $11,000 range, with final billing to <br /> be based on actual time spent at standard billing rates. We currently anticipate being able to have <br /> the mapping work completed within approximately six weeks of authorization to proceed. <br /> In order to have us commence this work, please sign and return this proposal along with a <br /> current title report(if available) for the property and retainer in the amount of$4,000. Feel <br /> welcome to call me at(510) 848-1930 if you have questions or comments. We look forward to <br /> the opportunity to provide this service to you. <br /> Very truly yours, <br /> MORAN ENGINEERING, INC. <br /> Jim Moran, LS 7881 <br /> Signed: Date: <br /> Printed name: <br /> Email: Phone: <br /> Lions Wayside-Deluchhi-MIG prp-II-20-18.docx <br /> MORAN ENGINEERING, INC. • 1 930 SHATTUCK AVENUE • SUITE A• BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 94704 <br /> T: (510) 848-1930 & (925) 254-5464 • F: (510) 848-9725 •WWW.MORANENG.COM <br />