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Table 1. Hypothetical output from scoring and ranking system. <br /> Habitat Viewshed Community Threat of Primary Secondary <br /> Parcel score score priority development Total Primary Total Secondary <br /> ID (1-10) (1-10) F area(0,5) (1-10) Score Rank Score Rank <br /> 1 5 2 I 0 0 7 5 7 5 <br /> 2 7 2 5 10 14 3 24 1 <br /> 3 2 6 0 1 8 4 9 4 <br /> 4 6 5 5 7 16 2 23 2 <br /> 5 7 9 5 0 21 1 21 3 <br /> Products and Data to be Provided: <br /> UCB products: <br /> 1. Report to ALOSAC"Prioritizing land conservation in Eastern Alameda County"including: <br /> a. Habitat scores and ranking of each parcel in Alameda County. <br /> b. Viewshed scores and ranking of each parcel in Alameda County. <br /> c. Community priority area scores and ranking of each parcel in Alameda County. <br /> d. "Other" score and ranking as agreed upon with ALOSAC for each parcel in Eastern Alameda <br /> County <br /> 2. Report will go through internal Peer Review. <br /> 3. Database(xlxs format)of parcel scores will be provided to ALOSAC and can be used in their future <br /> research and in evaluating potential future purchases. <br /> 4. If suitable, UCB may submit products for publication, if locations and owners of properties are not <br /> identified.Authorship will be shared with ALOSAC staff contributing to the project. <br /> Budget: <br /> Graduate student support, 50%time <br /> One semester(approx.; includes fees)or graduate student salary: $21,000.00 <br /> Materials, travel, misc.expense $500.00 <br /> Overhead(10%) $2,150.00 <br /> TOTAL: $23,650.00 <br /> Budget justification: <br /> 1. Student: Dr. Butsic will work directly on the project but as he has many and diverse <br /> responsibilities for their employment, a graduate student who can focus entirely on the project <br /> is needed. This has the added value of creating a graduate who has knowledge of conservation <br /> planning principals.The funding requested comes close to a half year of employment half time <br /> on the project,and includes school fees. If the student is available for full time work in the <br /> summer we will take advantage of that,and the compensation will be that the project will finish <br /> sooner. <br /> 2. Materials and travel: We will need funding to attend meetings, possible to do some ground <br /> trothing, and for computer supplies. <br />