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incinerator ash from approved hazardous waste incineration, landfill disposal of any waste, <br /> component part or residual by-product from any management process or treatment process, is <br /> expressly prohibited. With the exception of wastes to be managed through approved recycling <br /> processes or fuel blend incineration, the Contractor will not, and will not permit any other person <br /> or organization to use, distribute or sell any wastes to be managed under this Agreement, or any <br /> waste components or residues. <br /> 5. 24-Hour Emergency Response Services <br /> In the event of a hazardous materials or waste incident (abandoned wastes, spills, leaks, etc.) that <br /> requires services beyond those the City is capable of providing internally, Contractor will be listed <br /> as the primary support for hazardous waste emergency response services. Contractor will furnish <br /> 24-hour emergency contact telephone numbers and notification procedures for requesting <br /> emergency response services. The 24-hour emergency contact telephone numbers provided will <br /> provide direct contact to duly authorized Contractor representatives. Pager,answering machine or <br /> answering service telephone numbers will not be considered as acceptable. <br /> Upon notification by the City's Project Manager or designee, and should the Contractor indicate <br /> its ability to respond to such call(s)for service,the Contractor will mobilize appropriate personnel, <br /> materials and equipment for response to incidents to provide emergency support services <br /> including, but not limited to, hazmat identification of wastes, containment, clean-up, <br /> decontamination, furnishing of materials and/or equipment,waste transportation and disposal,and <br /> confirmation tests such as PCB wipe tests or soil sampling equipment. Typical tasks may include <br /> furnishing of vacuum tanker services for pumping of underground utility vaults and tanks, <br /> furnishing personnel, materials and/or equipment for spill cleanup and/or waste containment, <br /> packaging, transportation, etc. The Contractor will use its best efforts to mobilize clean- <br /> up/response teams and equipment and be on-site ready for clean-up activities within two (2)hours <br /> of notification of the incident. <br /> 6. Prevention and Clean-up <br /> The Contractor will use appropriate methods,equipment and practices required by all federal,state <br /> and local laws and regulations as well as industry recommended and approved methods,equipment <br /> and practices to ensure that no discharges, releases, spills or leakage occurs during the packaging, <br /> loading,transportation, storage and disposal of wastes to be managed under this Agreement. <br /> If a discharge,release, spill,or leakage of hazardous wastes occurs during Contractor's packaging, <br /> loading, transportation, storage or disposal of wastes to be managed under this Agreement, <br /> Contractor shall take appropriate and immediate action to protect human health and the <br /> environment. The Contractor shall, at no expense to the City, be fully responsible for, and take <br /> appropriate and immediate action to remediate and clean-up any such discharge, release, spill or <br /> leakage in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. <br /> The City will direct actions should any discharge, release, spill or leakage of hazardous wastes <br /> occur during packaging, loading and/or transportation activities on City property. <br /> Exhibit A <br /> Page 7 of 10 <br />