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traffic impacts and on-site access and circulation. Overall the study recommended <br /> modifications to the on-site access and circulation including a recommendation that the <br /> main (south) site driveway be widened in order to accommodate two outbound lanes <br /> (one left out and one right out turn lane) and one inbound lane. All recommendations <br /> within the report have been made and it has been concluded that the project would <br /> have no significant level of service impacts at the signalized study intersections under <br /> near-term or buildout conditions with or without the project. <br /> Parking <br /> Parking analysis conducted for the project as part of the TIA found that, as currently <br /> proposed, the parking at completion of all construction for the CTC would be <br /> acceptable. Parking demand for the CTC was calculated based on parking counts <br /> conducted at the subject property in August 2017, and actual enrollment of students <br /> during the same survey period. Based on this data, the peak parking demand ratio was <br /> determined to be 1.33 occupied spaces per enrolled student; however, to be <br /> conservative a ratio 10 percent higher than that maximum (1.46 spaces/enrolled <br /> student) was used as the basis of the parking demand estimate. Table 1 below shows <br /> the parking supply and surplus or deficit for each project phase, based on this ratio. <br /> Table 1: Parking Analysis <br /> Construction Students Parking Required Proposed Supply Surplus <br /> Phase (1.46 ratio) (Deficit) <br /> Existing 145 212 266 54 <br /> 1 145 212 130 (82) <br /> 2 145 212 180 (32) <br /> 3.1 207 302 242 (60) <br /> 3.2 230 336 269 (37) <br /> 4-5 230 336 336 0 <br /> As shown in the table, there is projected to be a deficit of parking at all phases when the <br /> project is under construction, although ultimately the project will provide 336 spaces, <br /> which staff agrees would be sufficient to serve the needs of the CTC. <br /> To address the projected shortfall of parking during various construction phases, the <br /> applicant has indicated they will obtain off-site parking agreements at alternate <br /> locations; however no off-site locations have been presented at this time. Therefore, a <br /> condition of approval requiring the submittal and approval of Transportation Demand <br /> Management/Comprehensive Parking Plan (TDM) securing off-site parking agreements <br /> prior to issuance of building permits. With this condition, staff and the Planning <br /> Commission are satisfied adequate parking and circulation is provided with the <br /> proposed project to accommodate the proposed uses. <br /> Santa Rita Road Frontage/Building Placement <br /> The treatment of the Santa Rita Road frontage was the key area of disagreement <br /> between staff and the Planning Commission's recommendations. <br /> Page 9 of 13 <br />