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These measures shall be shown on plans submitted for issuance of a building permit. <br /> 22. The applicant shall prepare a Construction Best Management Plan for each <br /> construction phase for review and approval by the Community Development Director. <br /> The Construction Best Management Plan shall be approved prior to issuance of a <br /> building permit and shall include, but is not limited to, the following: <br /> a. A construction staging plan shall be designated for all materials, equipment, and <br /> vehicles including parking for construction works and personnel. <br /> b. A construction truck route shall be designated to keep all construction traffic away <br /> from nearby residential streets. Prior to construction, the construction traffic route, <br /> construction hours, and contact names and telephone numbers shall be posted on <br /> the driveway entrances, throughout the construction site, and in any construction <br /> trailer(s). <br /> c. Comprehensive traffic control measures shall be implemented, including <br /> scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries, to avoid peak travel hours. If <br /> necessary, as determined by the Traffic Engineer, proper lane closure procedures <br /> such as flagger stations, signage, cones, and other warning devices shall be <br /> implemented during construction. <br /> d. The haul route for all materials to and from this development shall be approved by <br /> the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a permit, and shall include the provision <br /> to monitor the street surfaces used for the haul route so that any damage and <br /> debris attributable to the haul trucks is identified and corrected at the expense of <br /> the project applicant or developer. <br /> e. All internal combustion engines used for grading or construction shall be equipped <br /> with a muffler equal to or better than that supplied by the vehicle manufacturer. All <br /> equipment shall be maintained in good mechanical condition so as to minimize <br /> noise and air pollution from a faulty engine, drive train, or other components. No <br /> muffler or exhaust system shall be equipped with cutout, bypass, or similar device <br /> intended to thwart quieting. <br /> f. Dust control best management practices, as approved by the City Engineer, shall <br /> be followed at all times during grading and construction operations. Such <br /> measures may include watering of exposed surfaces twice a day, and more <br /> frequent watering when wind speeds exceed 15 mph; covering of stockpiled earth; <br /> and covering of trucks hauling dirt if windy conditions prevail. Failure to keep dust <br /> under control may result in the stoppage of all work until a modified plan <br /> acceptable to the City Engineer is approved and implemented. <br /> PUD-125, 2350 Santa Rita Road Planning Commission <br /> Page 5 of 23 <br />