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City of Pleasanton Recycled Water Project <br />CEQA Addendum <br />2.3 Original Proposed Project Description <br />As originally described in the June 2014 Draft IS/MND and the September 2014 Final IS/MND <br />(collectively referred to as the IS/MND), the Proposed Project primarily consists of the upgrade and <br />expansion of the Dublin San Ramon Services District's (DSRSD) existing wastewater treatment plant <br />(WWTP) to provide a recycled water supply of approximately 2,500 acre-feet per year (afy) to meet <br />recycled water demand in the City's service area and offset deliveries from the City's groundwater <br />supplies and water supply purchases from Zone 7. All of the WWTP plant upgrades will be included <br />within DSRSD's existing WWTP location and within existing facilities that were previously designed, <br />sized, and constructed for this potential upgrade and expansion. All of the recycled water will be <br />produced by the City of Livermore Waste Water Treatment Facility and/or the Dublin San Ramon <br />Services District/East Bay Municipal District (DERWA) Recycled Water Treatment Facility. The <br />Proposed Project/Action also includes the construction of up to approximately 22 -miles (115,200 linear <br />feet) of pipeline ranging in diameter from 6 -inches to 18 -inches. In addition, the Proposed Project/Action <br />will also include approximately 3.2 miles (16,500 -feet) of existing pipeline that will be repurposed from <br />abandoned or existing potable pipelines. The pipeline facilities would be located primarily in existing <br />roadways. In addition, the Proposed Project/Action will also include the conversion of the existing 8 <br />million gallon (MG) Tassajara Reservoir to a recycled water storage facility. <br />2.3.1 Construction Considerations <br />Construction of the Proposed Project/Action facilities began in the summer of 2014 and will continue into <br />the summer of 2019. Construction work will typically be done within normal working hours, weekdays <br />between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and possibly on Saturdays between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 <br />p.m. The Proposed Project/Action would be constructed primarily within existing roadways and any <br />damages occurring during construction will be returned to the pre -construction condition or better. <br />Detailed below is a summary of the construction techniques and activities. <br />• The upgrades to the tertiary filtration system involve installing parallel filter cells in existing <br />facilities within DSRSD's existing WWTP (see DERWA EIR for Recycled Water). <br />• Each customer location requires some level of work due to possible meter location changes and <br />pressure differences affecting overspray requirements. On-site plumbing changes may be <br />required to comply with cross connection requirements. <br />• The majority of the pipelines are being installed in existing roadways using conventional cut and <br />cover construction techniques and installing pipe in open trenches. It is assumed that up to a 50 - <br />foot wide construction corridor would be used to help maximize the efficiency during <br />construction. However, in most places a 25 -foot construction corridor could be realized, <br />especially for the smaller diameter pipelines. It is anticipated that excavation would range from <br />2-5 feet wide and would typically be no more than 6 -feet deep. <br />• Any local creek or drainage crossings will be constructed using trenchless techniques and will be <br />done in the dry season and will not occur during inclement weather or between October 15 and <br />April 1. Specifically, the pipeline crossing the Arroyo Mocho will either be hung on the existing <br />road bridge or cross under the creek channel using directional drilling methods. <br />• Dewatering of the pipeline as a result of hydrostatic testing during construction as well as any <br />dewatering as a result of operations and maintenance activities shall be discharged to land and/or <br />the sanitary sewer system and not into any creeks, drainages, or waterways and shall require prior <br />approval from the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board. <br />April 2018 <br />2-2 <br />