General Fund Expenditures. General Fund FY 2017/18 expenditures are expected to
<br /> be $109.4 million, an increase of 8% over FY 2016/17 actual expenditures. Personnel
<br /> expenses are primarily driving the City's increased costs particularly pension expenses.
<br /> The other expense that has substantially increased over FY 2016/17 is water and sewer
<br /> which is related to increased water consumption associated with reduced rainfall in FY
<br /> 2017/18 compared to FY 2016/17. Finally, software companies have been switching
<br /> from selling software as a one-time purchase to annual subscriptions. This practice has
<br /> been causing the City's annual on-going expenditures in the Materials and Supplies
<br /> category to increase.
<br /> Table 3. General Fund Expenditures
<br /> 2 1 t- 16 FY* 1ti'1 ''Jr;. € €
<br /> iture _ _. _. .'> Act tual ` "' >, , r Bu ek ; ,g .¢
<br /> Personnel $71,513,631 -$73,093,952 $75,655,509 $79,5 88,087 , ,868 8,781
<br /> Transportation&Training 2,208,855 2,633,325 2,308,932 2,628,607 $80 2,617006,485 $41(11,122)
<br /> Repairs&Maintenance 4,217,884 5,788,049 18,4,244,311 20,4,403880,,378576
<br /> Capital Outlay 4,497,378 94,000
<br /> Materials&Supplies 16,221,576 17,778,082 , 21,779,317 898,741
<br /> 454,312 480,312 574915,679286 437,990 479,710 41,720
<br /> Total Expenditures $94,616,258 $99,773,720 $101,698,717 $107,938,638 $109,380,758 $1,442,120
<br /> Transfer of Funds. Actual General Fund transfers are expected to be $6.4 million as
<br /> shown in Table 4. $5.2 million of that $6.4 million or 81% are General Fund monies
<br /> transferred to Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Funds to help fund capital projects.
<br /> Table 4. Transfers In and Transfers Out
<br /> F R
<br /> [ -,-A,,,,,,,4451, T - , d , , € X011# •
<br /> c ar "�`- ,fir1,,,,4,,,z,,--4:0y20;4110,4,----:114-7..-- i
<br /> C t 41. $ g0
<br /> F sj r / E a m�� SIN
<br /> ? RATI rSFE1,--:7---:!7:=.=,-- �:
<br /> 88 Vi : s ;a -« a ;'�g $20,798 $7,500 $19,000 $19,000 $19,000
<br /> �s
<br /> {�#t�4 g� 588,870 681,000 637,000 695,000 695,000
<br /> ' :, 32,076 68,413 135 -
<br /> nt 201,073 287,046 112,000 79,743 79,743
<br /> (1,300,000) (6,893,218) (5,004,589) (5,195,725) (5,195,725)
<br /> m t '' Distc nts ::
<br /> (237,000))
<br /> 00)Senr&1 u ater& (221,699) (214,577) (237,000) (103,000)W Fund (100,805) (91,081) (103,000) (381,981)(339,725) (381,981)Funt- (386,713) 354359) (330,000) (330,000)t30000)1sitFi{uy (330,000) (45,000)Dran Unfit � (30,000) ( (44,700) (45,000) (695,000)e *yid{ t ` (588,870) 00) (695,000) -�eto wOi08218) (4(,29301,,905001) (2,122,688)1 ann +: (1,7 , -
<br /> 1FR ,too (67,500)
<br /> � c' '„:7:5:,":,-,,,:,..7.,„;,,,,;7_ ',',2.. . (190,628)(190,628)' 4“,,` (95,000) $0 ($6,384,591)($8(,341905,,682583))C + ($3966,798) ($1 (,916050,,307030))
<br /> I � 1TIO ($6,384,591)
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<br />