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Resolution No. PC -2009-42 <br />Page Four <br />The site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone <br />The proposed project will require the construction of stormwater detention <br />facilities, to contain the 100 -year flood. An EIR mitigation measure for the <br />project requires the site to be removed from the flood hazard area prior to <br />occupancy. However, this is a City park, and the Engineering Division will <br />require this to be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit. <br />Engineering modeling indicates that implementation of the Livermore flood <br />protection improvements, as part of Livermore's approved EI Charro <br />Specific Plan, will provide sufficient detention to prevent inundation of the <br />Staples Ranch site for the 100 -year storm event. It is anticipated that <br />Livermore will begin the construction of these improvements next year. <br />To help prevent the erosion and pollution of the Arroyo Mocho, on-site <br />stormwater will be treated on-site for contaminates and directed into the <br />basin before being released into the Arroyo Mocho. <br />On-site erosion control and dust suppression measures will be <br />documented in the improvement plans and inspected by the Building and <br />Safety Division during construction. <br />The grading, as conditioned, takes into account environmental <br />characteristics and is designed in keeping with the best engineering <br />practices to avoid erosion, slides, or flooding to have as minimal an effect <br />upon the environment as possible. Therefore, this finding can be made. <br />5. Streets and buildings have been designed and located to <br />complement the natural terrain and landscape. <br />As stated above, a minus grading for the basin, minimal changes to the <br />natural grade elevations are proposed. <br />There are no trees on-site. Over 100 new trees are proposed to be <br />planted as part of the project. Shrubs and ground cover, including native <br />California species, will be planted. As conditioned, the project will adhere <br />to Alameda County Waste Management Authority's Bay -Friendly <br />Landscape Guidelines, and landscaping species from the proposed forage <br />and shelter plan list will be incorporated into the final plans. <br />The project, as conditioned, has been designed and located to <br />complement the natural terrain and landscape. Therefore, this finding can <br />be made. <br />