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Significant and Unavoidable Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Project <br />The previous section and the EIR identify the following significant and unavoidable impact <br />of the proposed project, the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025: <br />Air Quality: Development due to buildout of the proposed General Plan would result <br />in an increase in population lower than that estimated in the newest air <br />quality plan (2005 Ozone Strategy) and an increase in vehicle miles <br />traveled. This would lead to increases in air pollutants due to <br />cumulative development in the Planning Area that could conflict with <br />implementation of the current air quality plan. <br />Required Statement of Overriding Considerations <br />The City has examined reasonable project alternatives, including the existing General <br />Plan. The City has found that the Existing General Plan (No Project Alternative) would <br />not achieve the core project objectives and/or would not significantly reduce the <br />significant and unavoidable impacts identified for the proposed General Plan and/or be <br />consistent with City planning policies and goals. The City has further found that the <br />although the Dispersed Growth Alternative and the Concentrated Residential / Mixed Use <br />Alternative would be feasible, they would not meet the project objectives as well as the <br />proposed General Plan due to their distribution of development within the Planning Area. <br />Each alternative is discussed above. The proposed General Plan is considered a viable <br />option. <br />The City has determined to approve the proposed General Plan. In preparing this <br />statement of overriding considerations, the City has balanced the benefits of the proposed <br />General Plan against its significant and unavoidable environmental impacts. Although <br />implementation of the proposed General Plan would result in a significant impact related <br />to an increase in traffic at study intersections that would be substantial in relation to the <br />existing traffic load and capacity of the street system and would result in a significant and <br />unavoidable impact related to an increase in population lower than that estimated in the <br />newest air quality plan (2005 Ozone Strategy) and an increase in vehicle miles traveled, <br />the City finds that the benefits of the proposed General Plan to the community are <br />overriding considerations when weighed against the environmental impacts listed above. <br />Adoption of the proposed General Plan will allow the following guiding objectives to be <br />achieved, and, thus, the City finds that the potential benefits outweigh the environmental <br />risks of the proposed General Plan: <br />• Preserve Pleasanton's character. <br />• Encourage both resource sustainability and sustainable development. <br />• Confine development to within the Urban Growth Boundary. <br />• Promote the development of walkable communities. <br />• Achieve and maintain a complete well-rounded community of desirable <br />neighborhoods and a strong employment base. <br />10 <br />