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The placard shall be submitted with the signage package for the site and shall <br />have numerals on a contrasting background. All placards are subject to the <br />review of the Fire Chief. <br />54. All public and private streets, driveways, aisles, and alleys designated as fire <br />lanes by the Fire Chief shall be maintained in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 <br />of the Uniform Fire Code which includes tow of vehicles illegally parked on the <br />fire lanes. Fire lanes shall be painted red with "No Stopping Fire Lane" signs as <br />required by the vehicle Code. <br />55. Prior to any construction framing, the project developer shall provide adequate <br />fire protection facilities, including a water supply and water flow in conformance <br />to the City's Fire Department Standards able to suppress a major fire. <br />56. The project developer shall keep the site free of fire hazards from the start of <br />construction until the final inspection. <br />57. The Fire Chief shall approve the number, type and location of all fire hydrants. <br />58. All portions of the building covered by this approval shall have installed and <br />operating, fire extinguishers with a minimum 2-A:10-B:C rating. The fire <br />extinguishers shall be located within a 75 -foot radius of each other. <br />POLICE <br />59. If required by the Police Department, the building shall be equipped with an <br />alarm system, the type to be approved by the Police Department and that this <br />system shall be installed prior to occupancy of the building. <br />ENGINEERING <br />60. The project developer shall install street frontage improvements along the entire <br />site (i.e. all three parcels) fronting both Boulder Court and Boulder Street per <br />Chapter 19.40.010 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code and to the satisfaction of <br />the city Engineer. These improvements may include, but are not limited to, <br />grading, curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, storm drain, sanitary sewer, water <br />facilities, street light, underground utilizes, traffic control devices, landscaping, <br />and automatic irrigation systems. The project developer shall apply for and <br />receive an encroachment permit prior to the start of construction. <br />61. The project developer shall submit a final grading and drainage plan prepared by <br />a licensed civil engineer depicting all final grades and on-site drainage control <br />measure, including concrete -lined V -ditches, to protect all cut an fill slopes from <br />surface water overflow. This plan shall be subject to the review and approval by <br />the City Engineer and/or the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of any <br />building permits. <br />10 <br />