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6. The applicant shall maintain the area surrounding the tenant space in a clean <br />and orderly manner at all times. <br />7. This approval does not include approval of any signage for Sylvan Learning <br />Center. If signs are desired, the applicant/property owner shall submit a sign <br />proposal to the City for review and approval prior to sign installation. <br />8. At no time shall balloons, banners, pennants, or other attention -getting devices <br />be utilized on the site except as allowed by Section 18.096.060 (K) of the Zoning <br />Ordinance for grand openings or by Section 18.116.040 of the Zoning Ordinance <br />if approved by temporary conditional use permit as part of a decorating plan in <br />conjunction with shopping center promotional events. At no time shall spot <br />lighting be used in conjunction with grand openings and/or promotional events. <br />9. Prior to issuance of a business license, the applicant shall contact the Building <br />and Safety Division and the Fire Marshal to ensure that the proposed use of the <br />tenant space meets Building and Fire Code requirements. If required, the <br />applicant shall obtain all appropriate City permits. <br />10. Parents/guardians/supervising adults will be required to pick-up and drop-off <br />child/children ages 12 years and younger and sign them in and out of the facility. <br />11. Prior to occupancy, Sylvan Learning Center shall obtain any applicable State <br />licensing. <br />12. Any tenant improvement plans shall be submitted to the Building and Safety <br />Division for review and approval. The applicant shall obtain a building permit <br />prior to commencement of any work. The applicant shall pay any and all fees to <br />which the proposed application may be subject to prior to issuance of building <br />permits. The type and amount of the fees shall be those in effect at the time the <br />building permit is issued. <br />13. Changes to the exterior of the building shall not be made without prior approval <br />from the Planning Department. <br />14. If the applicant wishes to relocate the use to a new address or tenant suite, the <br />applicant shall secure a new conditional use permit to relocate into the building or <br />tenant suite prior to occupying the building or tenant suite. <br />15. This conditional use permit approval will lapse one (1) year from the effective <br />date of approval unless Sylvan Learning Center receives a business license; <br />which requires Zoning Certificate approval from the Planning Department prior to <br />obtaining a business license. <br />{end) <br />2 <br />