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93103418 <br /> determined that the Project will have no significant adverse <br /> effect on the environment, on the basis of which a negative <br /> declaration was adopted by the City Council. <br /> E. City has determined that the Project is a development <br /> for which a development agreement is appropriate. A development <br /> agreement will eliminate uncertainty in the City's land use <br /> planning for and secure orderly development of the Project. A <br /> development agreement shall facilitate the orderly expansion of <br /> the Shopping Center through completion of the Project, which <br /> shall provide greater opportunities for traffic management and <br /> cohesive, attractive site design and improvements and result in <br /> important economic benefits, both direct and indirect, to the <br /> City. Developer will incur substantial contractual obligations <br /> and related costs in the development of the Project, which will <br /> require extended negotiations with and long lead-time commitments <br /> from additional major department and specialty store participants <br /> in the Shopping Center. In exchange for the benefits to the City <br /> and the general public of the expanded Shopping Center, Developer <br /> desires to receive assurance that City shall grant permits and <br /> approvals required for the development of the Project in <br /> accordance with the Existing City Laws, subject to the terms and <br /> conditions contained in this Agreement. In order to effectuate <br /> these purposes, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement. <br /> F. on August 20, 1992, after conducting a duly noticed <br /> public hearing, the City Planning Commission recommended that the <br /> City Council approve this Agreement, based on the following <br /> findings and determinations: that this Agreement is consistent <br /> with the objectives, policies, general land uses and programs <br /> specified in the City's General Plan; is compatible with the uses <br /> authorized in and the regulations prescribed for the land use <br /> district (C-R (Regional Commercial) ) in which the Property is <br /> located; is in conformity with public convenience, general <br /> welfare and good land use practices; will not be detrimental to <br /> the health, safety and general welfare of the City or the region <br /> surrounding the- City; will not adversely affect the orderly <br /> development of property or the preservation of property values <br /> within the City; and will promote and encourage the development <br /> of the Project by providing a greater degree of certainty with <br /> respect thereto. <br /> G. Thereafter, on September 15, 1992, the City Council <br /> held a duly noticed public hearing on this Agreement and made the <br /> same findings and determinations as the Planning Commission. On <br /> that same date, the City Council made a decision to approve this <br /> Agreement by introducing Ordinance No. 1578 (the "Enacting <br /> Ordinance") . On October 6, 1992, the City Council adopted the <br /> Enacting Ordinance. The Enacting Ordinance became effective on <br /> November 5, 1992. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the authority contained in <br /> Government Code Sections 65864-65869.5, and in consideration of <br /> the mutual covenants and promises of the parties herein <br /> -2- <br />