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FULL TEXT OF MEASURE QQ Plan provides in Goal 1, the following: Policy 12: <br /> THE PLEASANTON RIDGELINES PROTECTION Preserve scenic hillside and ridge views of the <br /> AND GROWTH CONTROL INITIATIVE Pleasanton, Main, and Southeast Hills ridges; and <br /> The people of the City of Pleasanton do ordain as follows: Program 12.2: Study the feasibility of preserving <br /> Section 1. Declaration of Purpose. large open space areas in the Southeast Hills by a <br /> combination of private open space and a public <br /> The purpose of this Initiative is to: park system.And the Conservation and Open Space <br /> A. Preserve and protect scenic hillsides and preserve Element states in Goal I, the following: Policy 4: <br /> views of the ridges that surround Pleasanton. Protect all large continuous areas of Open Space,as <br /> B. Achieve that preservation/protection through a col- designated on the General Plan Map, from intrusion <br /> laborative and public process. by urban development. <br /> C. Reaffirm and readopt General Plan policies and E. Since the voters'adoption of the housing unit cap in <br /> programs that currently provide, with no exemp- 1996, the City Council has consistently determined <br /> tions, preservation and protection of hillsides and that all single family homes, multi-family projects <br /> views of ridges. (including apartments and mobilehomes) have <br /> D. Clarify how all types of housing units are counted counted toward the housing cap. Similarly, the City <br /> towards the voter-approved maximum buildout of Council has consistently not counted toward the <br /> 29.000 housing units. housing cap either second units (as provided by <br /> Section 2. Findings, State law)or rooms within extended stay hotels, as <br /> A. The hillsides and ridges that surround Pleasanton these uses are commercial in nature. These actions <br /> provide spectacular views and the community of the City Council have been consistent with the <br /> wants to ensure that these scenic hillsides and Land Use Element of the General Plan, Goal 2, <br /> ridges are preserved for the protection of public Policies 14 and 15. <br /> health and safety, to provide for trails in such open F. This Initiative reaffirms, readopts and clarifies <br /> space, for the continuation of agriculture and gran existing City policies and programs and therefore <br /> ing. to protect natural resources and sensitive habi- <br /> tats, and to preserve wildlands. Section 3. General Plan Policies Regarding Preservin <br /> B. The General Plan has a policy that Pleasanton resi- Pleasanton Ridges and Growth Management. <br /> dents will participate in land use planning and Reaffirmation and Readoption of Policies Concerning <br /> decision making,and in recognition of such collab- Preserving Scenic Hillsides and Ridge Views: The <br /> orative and public process, an ordinance/design Pleasanton Ridgelines Protection and Growth Control <br /> guidelines should be developed to: Initiative hereby reaffirms and readopts Land Use Ele- <br /> a. Identify specific ridges, based on engineering ment Policy 12 and Program 12.2, Conservation and <br /> considerations related to view lines. geotechni- Open Space Element Policy 4, as set forth in Section <br /> ca]conditions,elevations(in the Southeast Hills 2.D of this Initiative. <br /> in particular) and other relevant data, where Reaffirmation and adoption of Growth Management <br /> development should not occur. Policy Concerning Housing Units: The Pleasanton <br /> b. Such ordinance/design guidelines must be draft- Ridgelines Protection and Growth Control Initiative <br /> ed as expeditiously as possible and by no later hereby reaffirms the General Plan Land Use Element <br /> than the end of November 2009. Policy 15 and clarifies how all types of housing units <br /> c. In drafting such ordinance/design guidelines, are counted against the housing cap, such that Policy <br /> the collaborative and public process should 15 reads as follows: "Maintain a maximum housing <br /> include Pleasanton residents, property owners buildout of 29,000 units within the Planning area.Each <br /> potentially affected by such ordinance/design single family residential unit and each multi family <br /> guidelines, representatives of environmental residential unit (for example, a condominium, town- <br /> organizations, open space and trail advocates house, each half of a duplex, a mobilehome, or an <br /> and other interested persons. apartment unit), whether market rate or affordable, <br /> shall count towards the maximum housing buildout. <br /> d. Such ordinance/design guidelines would be sub- Units within assisted living facilities are generally not <br /> ject to public environmental review under the counted toward the maximum housing buildout due to <br /> California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA). their commercial nature, but a proportion of such <br /> C. To accomplish such preservation,the Conservation developments may be counted toward the maximum <br /> and Open Space Element of the General Plan pro- housing buildout based on impacts on community ser- <br /> vides in Goal 1, the following, Program 5.1: vices and infrastructure. Second units and extended <br /> Develop a ridgeline protection ordinance and stay hotel rooms shall not count against the maximum <br /> scenic hillside guidelines to improve safety and housing buildout." <br /> reduce the potential negative visual impacts of Section 4. Implementation. <br /> • development in hilly areas. The collaborative public process identified in Section <br /> D. In addition, the Land Use Element of the General 2B of this Initiative shall be completed by November <br /> PLQQ-4 <br /> t: � <br />
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