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4. Contractor, by its signature below,consents to Assignor's assignment and Assignee's <br /> assumption of all rights,title, interest, in and pursuant to the Contract. Contractor by its <br /> signature below acknowledges and affirms that Assignor's obligations,responsibilities and <br /> duties under the Contract has been satisfied as of the date of this Agreement. <br /> 5. Contractor further consents to provide appropriate Certificates of Insurance and Additional <br /> Insured Endorsements naming Assignee as an additional insured as required in accordance with <br /> the Contract.Contractor further consents to naming Assignee on any warranties issued or <br /> provided as a part of the Contract. <br /> 6. Assignor by its signature below acknowledges and agrees that as of the date of this Agreement, <br /> all of Assignor's rights,title, interest, liabilities,responsibilities to the Project and to the <br /> improvements and work included and a part of the Project are assigned to Assignee. <br /> 7. Assignee by its signature below acknowledges and agrees that as of the date of this Agreement, <br /> Assignee assumes all of Assignor's rights,title, interest, liabilities,responsibilities to the <br /> Project and to the improvements and work included and a part of the Project. <br /> 8. Assignee by its signature below acknowledges and agrees that as of the date of this Agreement, <br /> Assignee releases and forever discharges Assignor and each of their directors,officers,owners, <br /> principals,partners,employees,representatives, predecessors,successors,designees,assigns, <br /> parent, subsidiary,affiliated and related entities,and their insurers,of and from any and all <br /> claims,demands,actions,causes of action,suits, injuries, fines,penalties,obligations,debts, <br /> damages, losses, loss of service, liens, liabilities,costs,expenses,attorney's fees,debts and <br /> expenses of every kind and nature whatsoever, in law or in equity (including,but not limited to <br /> attorneys'fees,property damage and personal injury claims),known or unknown,asserted or <br /> unasserted,fixed or contingent, including any and all rights to subrogation therefore,which <br /> Assignee has had,does have,can have,shall have and may hereafter have arising out of or <br /> connected to the Project. <br /> 9. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the state of California,without regard to <br /> California's conflict or choice of law provisions,and the parties expressly consent to <br /> jurisdiction in such courts. <br /> 10. If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any entity,person or <br /> circumstance shall be invalid or unenforceable to any extent,the remainder of this Agreement <br /> and the application of such provisions to other entities, persons or circumstances shall not be <br /> affected thereby,and shall be enforced to the greatest extent permitted by law. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties set their hands and seals as of the date first above written. <br /> ASSIGNOR <br /> By: <br /> Name: <br /> Title: <br /> 2 <br />