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would provide less diversity of uses, and no club retail use, as well as a lower <br />area of total new gross building space; therefore, the mix and amount of uses <br />that would be provided under the Reduced Retail Alternative would not serve to <br />"maximize" the unique benefits of the location of the area of the Zone as stated <br />in City Objective 2, especially in comparison to the proposed Zone. <br />6. City Objective 3: Encourage the development of a diverse mix of uses in the <br />City that would promote long-term economic growth by generating substantial <br />new revenues for the City. The City has conducted multiple economic and fiscal <br />analyses which indicate that, with adoption of the Zone, the mix of uses <br />anticipated to be developed within the area of the Zone would yield a <br />substantial level of fiscal and economic benefits, including up to $2.3 million in <br />new City General Fund revenues annually (on full buildout) and up to <br />approximately $383,975 annually in property taxes, as well as approximately <br />$277,440 in annual revenue to the Pleasanton Unified School District (see also <br />the fiscal and economic analysis prepared for the Final SEIR [Appendix A] as <br />well as the Supplemental Comparative Analysis). Because it does not include a <br />large retail anchor, includes a lower total area of new uses, and lacks the <br />stability that a large retail anchor could provide (as discussed above under City <br />Objective 1), the Reduced Retail Alternative would be much less likely to <br />promote long-term economic growth to the same extent as the Zone, and would <br />not generate the same, substantial level of new revenues as the Zone, making <br />the full achievement of City Objective 3 less likely. <br />Alternative 3, Partial Buildout (Phase 1 Only) <br />Alternative 3, Partial Buildout (Phase I Only), would include some of the same uses <br />as the proposed Zone, including general retail, club retail, and a hotel use, but would not include <br />general retail uses to the same extent. <br />Under this alternative, the Zone would be adopted, and only the uses anticipated for <br />Phase I of the Zone would be developed, with no other development taking place within the Zone. <br />Parcels 6, 9, and 10 would be developed in an initial phase that would take place within the same <br />buildout period for these parcels as described for the proposed Zone. Under this alternative, <br />existing uses on other parcels within the area of the proposed Zone would continue to operate. <br />This alternative includes approximately 259,500 square feet of new building area, <br />including 148,000 square feet of club retail uses, 23,500 square feet of general retail uses, and <br />88,000 square feet of hotel uses. Under this alternative, it is assumed that development of the hotel <br />uses would take place first and development of general retail uses would take place over a longer <br />timeframe. <br />The Partial Buildout Alternative would avoid significant air quality impacts of the <br />proposed Zone: under this alternative, annual operational air emissions of PMl O would be less <br />than 15 tons per year, and annual operational air emissions of NOx would be less than 10 tons per <br />year and therefore these emission levels would be less than significant, per the thresholds <br />established by the BAAQMD. This alternative would also generate fewer total traffic trips than the <br />proposed Zone, which could result in fewer or lower impacts to LOS at adjacent intersections; <br />however, the volume of traffic trips to the area of the proposed Zone that would be generated by <br />57 <br />