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required, as described in ESA's Draft SEIR/Final SEIR Recirculation Memo, dated June 5, 2017 <br />(this memo is included as part of the City's record of proceedings for the proposed Zone, as listed <br />above under I.D). Consistent with this review, the City finds that although changes have been <br />made to the Draft SEIR, the Final SEIR does not contain significant new information as defined <br />in the CEQA Guidelines and additional recirculation of the SEIR is not required. <br />F. Certification of the SEIR <br />In accordance with CEQA Guidelines § 15090(a)(1), the City Council, as lead <br />agency, fords and certifies that the SEIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and the <br />CEQA Guidelines. The City Council further finds and certifies that it has reviewed and <br />considered the information in the SEIR prior to adopting or approving any element of or <br />entitlement for the proposed Zone and that the Final SEIR reflects the City Council's independent <br />judgment. Similarly, the City Council finds that it has reviewed the record of proceedings and the <br />SEIR prior to approving any element of or entitlement for the Project. By making these findings, <br />the City Council confirms, ratifies and adopts the findings and conclusions of the SEIR, as <br />supplemented and modified by the findings contained herein. The SEIR and these findings <br />represent the independent judgment and analysis of the City and the City Council. <br />The City Council further certifies that the SEIR is adequate to support the <br />approval/adoption of all Project components. <br />G. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program <br />A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, which is included in Table 6-1 <br />of Chapter 6 of the Final SEIR, was prepared for the Project and was adopted by the City Council <br />by the same resolution that has adopted these findings. (See Pub. Res. Code §21081.6[a][1]; <br />CEQA Guidelines § 15097.) The City will use the MMRP to ensure and track compliance with <br />mitigation measures. The MMRP will remain available for public review during the compliance <br />period. <br />H. Findings Required Under CEQA <br />Public Resources Code §21002 provides that "public agencies should not approve <br />projects as proposed if there are feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures available <br />which would substantially lessen the significant environmental effects of such projects[.]" <br />Section 21002 also states that the procedures required by CEQA "are intended to assist public <br />agencies in systematically identifying both the significant effects of proposed projects and the <br />feasible alternatives or feasible mitigation measures which will avoid or substantially lessen <br />such significant effects." Section 21002 goes on to state that "in the event [that] specific <br />economic, social, or other conditions make infeasible such project alternatives or such mitigation <br />measures, individual projects may be approved in spite of one or more significant effects <br />thereof." <br />The mandate and principles announced in Public Resources Code §21002 are <br />implemented, in part, through the requirement that agencies must adopt findings before approving <br />projects for which EIRs are required. (See Pub. Res. Code §21081 [a]; CEQA Guidelines <br />§15091[a].) For each significant environmental effect identified in an EIR for a proposed project, <br />the approving agency must issue a written finding reaching one or more of three permissible <br />9 <br />