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3. Encourage the development of a diverse mix of uses in the City that would <br />promote long-term economic growth by generating substantial new revenues for the City. <br />(Draft SEIR, p. 3-12.) <br />D. Record of the Proceedings <br />For purposes of CEQA and the findings set forth herein, the record of proceedings <br />for the City Council's decision on the proposed Zone consists of: (1) matters of common <br />knowledge to the City Council, including but not limited to federal, state, and local laws and <br />regulations; and (2) the following documents that are in the custody of the City and compiled in <br />accordance with Public Resources Code §21167.6(e): <br />• The General Plan EIR; <br />• The 2012 SEIR for the City's proposed Housing Element and Climate Action Plan; <br />• All notices issued by the City, including but not limited to the SEIR Notice of <br />Preparation, Notice of Availability, and Notice of Completion, which were issued by the City in <br />conjunction with the proposed Zone; <br />• The Final SEIR (dated March 2016), which includes all written comments <br />submitted by agencies, organizations, or members of the public during the public comment period <br />on the Draft SEIR (dated September 2015) and responses to those comments and all of the <br />documents referenced therein; <br />• The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ("MMRP"); <br />• The "Review of Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for the <br />Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone" memo (i.e., Draft SEIR/Final SEIR Recirculation <br />Memo, dated June 5, 2017), prepared by Environmental Science Associates (ESA); <br />• The "Johnson Drive Economic Development Zone Supplemental Comparative <br />Analysis" (Supplemental Comparative Analysis, dated August 2016), prepared by ESA; <br />• All proposed decisions, findings and resolutions submitted and/or adopted by <br />the City in connection with the proposed Zone, and all documents cited or referred to therein; <br />• All final reports, studies, memorandums, maps, correspondence, and related <br />documents prepared by the City, or the consultants or responsible or trustee agencies, with respect <br />to: (1) the City's compliance with CEQA; and (2) the City's action on the proposed Zone; <br />• All documents submitted to the City by other agencies and by members of the <br />public in connection with the proposed Zone; <br />• All documents compiled by the City in connection with the study of the <br />proposed Zone and alternatives; and <br />• The testimony and evidence presented at all public hearings at the Planning <br />Commission and City Council on the environmental document or on the proposed Zone. <br />The location of these documents and other materials, which constitute the record <br />of proceedings, is the City of Pleasanton, Community Development Department, 200 Old Bernal <br />Avenue, Pleasanton, CA 94566. The custodian of the documents constituting the record of <br />proceedings is the Planning Manager. <br />The City Council has relied on all of the documents listed above in reaching its <br />decision on the proposed Zone, even if not every document was formally presented to the City <br />7 <br />