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The 1-680 freeway borders the neighborhood to the west and would not experience <br />sufficient JDEDZ-related traffic growth to result in a measurable noise increase. <br />While regional air pollutant emissions are considered significant, they would not directly <br />affect locations near the JDEDZ because the effects of monitored regional pollutants, <br />such as ozone and nitrogen dioxide, are widely distributed throughout the Bay Area's air <br />basin. With respect to the local effects of toxic air contaminants such as diesel <br />particulate matter (DPM) and small/respirable particulate matter (PM2.5), the analysis in <br />the DSEIR found that effects would be less than significant, with mitigation required only <br />if a sensitive use, such as senior housing, was proposed within the JDEDZ. The <br />distance between the proposed JDEDZ area and the residences on the west side of <br />1-680 and the Val Vista neighborhood (approximately 800 to 1,000 feet for locations <br />within the JDEDZ except that of the existing FedEx facility) would preclude new uses <br />within the JDEDZ from generating significant localized air quality impacts to this <br />neighborhood. Please refer to the Master Response to Comments in the FSEIR <br />regarding impacts to the Val Vista and other Neighborhoods near the Proposed JDEDZ. <br />ALTERNATIVES <br />As required by CEQA, Chapter 5 of the DSEIR (Attachment 2) analyzes a range of <br />reasonable alternatives to the proposed JDEDZ, including the No Project Alternative, <br />the Reduced Retail Alternative, and the Partial Buildout Alternative. <br />Staff does not recommend any of these alternatives as none of them completely <br />achieve the desired project objectives nor do any of these alternatives completely <br />reduce all significant but unavoidable impacts identified in the FSEIR. Please refer to <br />Attachment 2 for more information about alternatives to the JDEDZ. <br />JDEDZ TRANSPORTATION FEE <br />City staff has been directed by Council to provide a methodology and structure for a <br />possible JDEDZ Transportation Fee to assess on new development within the project <br />area to recoup infrastructure costs borne by the City. A general description of that fee <br />methodology and structure is provided below. A resolution recommending approval of <br />the City's intent to adopt a JDEDZ Transportation Fee is provided in Attachment 10. <br />Formal fee adoption hearings will be scheduled with the City Council in early 2018. <br />Costco represents approximately 44 percent of the total estimated trips generated by <br />the JDEDZ at build -out. The other hotel and retail land uses included in the JDEDZ <br />comprise the remaining 56 percent of the total trips. However, because Costco would <br />be the first development to occur in the JDEDZ and the transportation improvements <br />have to be completed before Costco can become operational, the City and Costco are <br />covering 100 percent of the non -TIF portion of the transportation improvements project <br />costs. Figure 4 summarizes the allocation of the transportation improvements project <br />costs by land uses. <br />Page 17 of 22 <br />