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Lastly, Mr. Weinstein commented, there are ratios of trees per parking spaces which are not <br />currently prescribed in the City's Municipal Code. It is outlined in the design guidelines at a <br />ratio of 1 tree for every 8 spaces to create an orchard style parking lot. <br />Mr. Luchini added that this ratio is consistent with the Hacienda Design Guidelines. <br />Commissioner Brown confirmed the minimum tree size is 24 -inch box. <br />Commissioner Ritter asked that pedestrian pathways be smooth and not have the riveted <br />pavers which the Livermore Costco has. <br />Commissioner Brown asked that there be sufficient sidewalk capacity fronting the building prior <br />to getting to parking, similar to the west side of the building in Livermore. <br />Commissioner O'Connor moved to approve Cases P14-0852 and PUD -105 per staffs <br />recommendation, with amendments to the Use Table. <br />Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners Allen, Nagler, O'Connor, and Ritter <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />RECUSED: Commissioner Balch <br />ABSENT: None <br />Resolutions PC -2017-23, PC -2017-24, and PC -2017-25 approving Cases P14-0852 and <br />PUD -105 were entered and adopted as motioned. <br />7. MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Commissioner Allen said a number of new laws were passed relating to affordable housing <br />and she asked how this would impact the City. <br />Mr. Beaudin stated staff will be reviewing all recent changes and will bring this back for <br />discussion at a future meeting. <br />8. MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S REVIEW/ACTION/INFORMATION <br />a. Reports from Meetings Attended (e.g., Committee, Task Force, etc.) <br />Commissioner Ritter and Mr. Beaudin provided comments regarding operational and <br />notification processes for the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Trails Committee. <br />Commissioner Brown reported out on the October 10, 2017 Downtown Specific Plan Update <br />Task Force Meeting. <br />b. Future Planning Calendar <br />Mr. Weinstein reported out on the upcoming agenda items. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, October 11, 2017 Page 12 of 13 <br />