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ATTACHMENT 4 <br />SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT <br />Tract 8326 <br />This Subdivision Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into this 7th day of <br />November 2017, by and between, KN St. John LP, 4545 Crow Canyon Place, Castro Valley, CA <br />94552 ("Subdivider") and the City of Pleasanton, a general law city ("City"). <br />RECITALS <br />WHEREAS, Subdivider has a City -approved planned unit development plan (PUD -120) <br />and vesting tentative map for Tract 8326 (the "Tract") for the development of 11 single-family <br />lots and 1 common area lot on three contiguous lots totaling approximately 31,798 square feet at <br />536 and 550 St. John Street and the vacant, non -addressed lot east of 536 St. John Street (the <br />"Site"); and <br />WHEREAS, all or a portion of the area of the vesting tentative map is presented as a <br />"final map," and a copy of said map is on file in the office of the City Engineer, and by reference <br />is included in this Agreement for all purposes as if attached hereto; and <br />WHEREAS, said map and subdivision of land designates a private street and public <br />easements and public ways for the City, and Subdivider proposes to dedicate this land as set <br />forth in the final map to the City; and <br />WHEREAS, as a condition precedent to accepting this offer of dedication by Subdivider, <br />City requires the improvements of the public ways, installation or extension of certain City <br />services at Subdivider's expense and certain protection for the City on behalf of the public; and <br />WHEREAS, as mitigation measures and conditions of approval for PUD -120 and the <br />Tract, Subdivider must also construct public and private improvements on the site and public <br />improvements off the site which also benefit off-site properties. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the promises, <br />terms, conditions and covenants set forth herein by Subdivider, the parties hereto agree as <br />follows: <br />1. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. The work <br />and improvements required by this Agreement to be completed by Subdivider shall be completed <br />within one (1) year from the above-mentioned date of this Agreement. <br />The City may extend the time for completion of improvements hereunder, upon good cause <br />being shown by the Subdivider. Any such extension may be granted without notice to the <br />Subdivider's surety; any extension so granted shall not relieve the surety's liability on the bond to <br />secure the faithful performance of this Agreement. <br />2 . Work. Subdivider will do or cause to be done and performed the following described work: <br />Subdivision Agreement <br />Tract 8326 by KN St. John LP Page 1 of 6 <br />