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eligible for advancement in pay until he/she has successfully completed his/her probationary <br /> period, or any extension thereof, as provided in Section 19. <br /> Changes in an employee's salary because of promotion or demotion establish a new salary <br /> anniversary date for that employee. Salary range adjustments for a classification will not <br /> establish a new salary anniversary date for employees serving in that classification. <br /> 7.11 Salary Step When Salary Range is Increased <br /> Whenever the monthly schedule of compensation for a class is revised, each incumbent in a <br /> position to which the revised schedule applies shall be entitled to the step in the revised range <br /> which corresponds to the step held by him/her in the previous range. <br /> 7.12 Salary Step After Promotion or Demotion <br /> When an employee is promoted from a position in one class to a position in a higher class, <br /> he/she shall receive the minimum rate for the higher class; provided, however,that such step is <br /> at least five percent(5%) above his/her current wage rate. When an employee is demoted, <br /> whether such demotion is voluntary or otherwise, that employee's compensation shall be <br /> adjusted to the salary prescribed for the class to which he/she is demoted. The specific rate of <br /> pay within the range shall be determined by the City Manager, whose decision shall be final; <br /> provided, however, that the employee's rate of pay shall not be set at a lower rate than he/she <br /> would have received had he/she remained in the lower class. <br /> Section 8. Overtime <br /> 8.1 Shift Extension Overtime <br /> Employees who are required to work in excess of their regular work day shall be entitled to <br /> overtime compensation for all hours so worked; provided, however, that the overtime rate shall <br /> be computed at one and one-half(1-1/2) times the employee's regular rate of pay as calculated <br /> as follows: <br /> 1 through 15 minutes 15 minutes <br /> 16 through 30 minutes 30 minutes <br /> 31 through 45 minutes 45 minutes <br /> 46 through 60 minutes 60 minutes <br /> 8.2 Non-scheduled Overtime/Call Back <br /> If an employee who has completed his/her regular work day is called back to work, 30 minutes <br /> after the completion of his/her scheduled shift, or any extension thereof, he/she shall upon <br /> reporting within a reasonable time after notification, will be compensated for all work <br /> performed outside of his/her regular duty shift at the overtime rate, commencing with the time <br /> of notification, but in no event shall he/she receive less than four(4)hours of overtime <br /> compensation for each such call back. <br /> 8.3 Mandatory Meetings, Special Events, or Assigned Work Outside Shift <br /> Employees who staff a special event or are ordered to perform any official duties outside of <br /> their regularly scheduled work hours shall receive a minimum of four(4) hours of pay at time <br /> and one-half(1 '/2)unless the assigned work is contiguous with the beginning or end of the <br /> employees' regular shift. Employees participating in work covered in this section lasting less <br /> than four(4)hours may, at the discretion of the Watch Commander, be assigned to additional <br /> 6 <br />