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Levels of satisfaction are particularly high <br /> for police and fire protection services. Total <br /> ■Very Sat Smwt.Sat. Smwt.Dissat.■Very Dissat. No Opin./DK/NA Sat. <br /> Providing police protection 77% 17% I 94% <br /> Maintaining City parks 68% 26% I 93% <br /> Providing playing fields for youth and adult sports 68% 24% I 92% <br /> Providing safe sidewalks and paths for pedestrians 55% 36% s%j 91% <br /> Keeping City buildings,such as the library,Aquatic <br /> Center,the Senior Center, and local police and fire 64% 25% E8% 90% <br /> stations,clean and in good condition <br /> 'Providing fire protection services 77% 12%[1u% 89% <br /> Providing public library services 65% 23% 10% 87% <br /> Providing dependable,quality sewer services 55% 30% i13% 85% <br /> Providing recreation opportunities and programs <br /> such as education,health,art,exercise and 51% 31% 12% 83% <br /> wellness programs <br /> Providing recreational programs and opportunities 51% 30% 114% 82% <br /> for youth <br /> Maintaining City trails along City parks,ridges and 45% 36% 9%g16% 82% <br /> arroyos <br /> Repairing and maintaining local streets and roads 40% 40% 12%y 81% <br /> O8 I am gong to mertran each sena.or program ager Thos none I warn Nie you to NM me Mow salaried you are personale with the Inn <br /> finrlsn; ;1 loom, r II bang done by the CM or Pleasanton on preening that program or service to CRy melon's.very serdsHed somewhat.sarlshat somewhat <br /> dissattsred nr cap dtssafnliied if you have too opmon or Mot know aborta sarvrce I gamete,to cos rep me mer too Spat Sample 32 <br /> Satisfaction levels were particularly intense <br /> for 911 emergency response services. <br /> ■Very Sat. Smwt.Sat. Smwt.Dissat.■Very Dissat.-No Opin./DK/NA Total <br /> Sat. <br /> Providing safe bicycle lanes and paths 39O/ 40% 9%1:17% 79% <br /> Providing 911 emergency response services 63% 15%l 20% 78% <br /> Supporting Pleasanton as a good place to do <br /> business 42% 34% I 18% 76% <br /> Ensuring water quality and safety 49% 26% s%: . 75% <br /> ^Preserving open space 34% 38% 13% 8%4% 72% <br /> D8.I am gong to menrwn each service rsr program;g:ss; rhos lino I would Oka you Io tel me Trow satisfied you aro persona with the lob <br /> ma San bang done by rtw Coy on Leann;an n tnav0tng rhb,pn:gram a senece to Coy maaatro very setatwd,somewha rare ATI omewhat <br /> dttsarptled a coop dw085iehwd R par pave no operon a dant know abo ut a service I matron to you,you can top me that Iras^Nor Part of.SpN 33 <br /> Sample <br /> 17 <br />