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or remedy A holder who chooses to exercise its right to cure or remedy a default or breach shall <br /> first notify City of its intent to exercise such nght prior to commencing to cure or remedy such <br /> default or breach Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to permit or authonze <br /> such holder to undertake or continue the construction of the Project (beyond the extent necessary <br /> to conserve or protect the same) without first having expressly assumed in wnting Developer's <br /> obligations to City under this Agreement The holder in that event must agree to complete, in the <br /> manner provided in this Agreement, the Project and the Improvements and submit evidence <br /> reasonably satisfactory to City that it has the development capability on staff or retainer and the <br /> financial capacity necessary to perform such obligations. Any such holder properly completing <br /> the Project pursuant to this Section shall assume all rights and obligations of Developer under <br /> this Agreement. <br /> 9.5 Failure of Holder to Complete Improvements. In any case where, six (6)months <br /> after default by Developer in completion of construction of the Improvements, the holder of <br /> record of any mortgage or deed of trust has not exercised its option to complete construction of <br /> the Project, or having first exercised such option, has not proceeded diligently with such work, <br /> City shall be afforded those rights against such holder that it would otherwise have against <br /> Developer under this Agreement. <br /> 9.6 City Right to Cure Defaults In the event of a breach or default by Developer <br /> under a mortgage or deed of trust secured by the Property or the Improvements, City may cure <br /> the default, without acceleration of the subject loan, following pnor notice thereof to the holder <br /> of such instrument and Developer. In such event, Developer shall be liable for, and City shall be <br /> entitled to reimbursement from Developer for all costs and expenses incurred by City associated <br /> with and attnbutable to the curing of the default or breach and such sum shall constitute a part of <br /> the indebtedness secured by the City Deed of Trust. <br /> 9 7 Holder to be Notified. Developer agrees to cooperate with the City in good faith <br /> to ensure that each term contained herein dealing with secunty financing and nghts of holders <br /> shall be either inserted into the relevant deed of trust or mortgage or acknowledged and accepted <br /> in wntmg by the holder pnor to its creating any security right or interest in the Property or the <br /> Improvements. <br /> 9.8 Modifications to Agreement. City shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to <br /> modifications of this Agreement requested by Project lenders or investors provided such <br /> modifications do not alter City's substantive rights and obligations under this Agreement. <br /> 9.9 Estoppel Certificates Either Party shall, at any time, and from time to time, <br /> within fifteen (15) days after receipt of written request from the other Party, execute and deliver <br /> to such Party a written statement certifying that, to the knowledge of the certifying Party. (i) this <br /> Agreement is in full force and effect and a binding obligation of the Parties (if such be the case), <br /> (ii) this Agreement has not been amended or modified, or if so amended, identifying the <br /> amendments, and(iii) the requesting Party is not in default in the performance of its obligations <br /> under this Agreement, or if in default, describing the nature of any such defaults. <br /> ART11WLE X <br /> OAK 14822-6539-6011 v5 29 <br />