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from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees and are subject to the <br /> additional terms set forth in Section 11 2 below <br /> 5 15 Compliance with Laws Developer shall carry out and shall cause its contractors <br /> and subcontractors to carry out the construction of the Project in conformity with all applicable <br /> federal, state and local laws, rules, ordinances and regulations ("Applicable Laws") including <br /> without limitation, all applicable federal and state labor laws and standards, Section 3 of the <br /> Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended (if applicable), applicable <br /> provisions of the California Public Contracts Code (if any), the City zoning and development <br /> standards, building, plumbing, mechanical and electncal codes, all other provisions of the City's <br /> Municipal Code, and all applicable disabled and handicapped access requirements, including <br /> without limitation, the Amencans with Disabilities Act, 42 U S.0 Section 12101, et seq , <br /> Government Code Section 4450, et seq , Government Code Section 11135, et seq., and the <br /> Unruh Civil Rights Act, Civil Code Section 51, et seq To the greatest extent allowed by law, <br /> Developer shall indemnify, defend (with counsel approved by City) and hold harmless the <br /> Indemnitees from and against any and all Claims arising in connection with the breach of <br /> Developer's obligations set forth in this Section whether or not any insurance policies shall have <br /> been determined to be applicable to any such Claims Developer's indemnification obligations <br /> set forth in this Section shall not apply to Claims to the extent ansing from the gross negligence <br /> or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. Developer's defense and indemnification obligations <br /> set forth in this Section 5.15 shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement <br /> and the issuance of a Certificate of Completion for the Project and shall be subject to the <br /> additional terms set forth in Section 11 2 below <br /> 5 16 Liens and Stop Notices Until the latest of the date of reconveyance of the Deed <br /> of Trust, the expiration of the term of the Regulatory Agreement, and the expiration of the term <br /> of the Ground Lease, Developer shall not allow to be placed on the Property or any part thereof <br /> any lien or stop notice on account of materials supplied to or labor performed on behalf of <br /> Developer. If a claim of a lien or stop notice is given or recorded affecting the Project or the <br /> Property or any part thereof, Developer shall within twenty(20) days of such recording or <br /> service. (a) pay and discharge (or cause to be paid and discharged) the same, or(b) effect the <br /> release thereof by recording and delivering(or causing to be recorded and delivered) to the party <br /> entitled thereto a surety bond in sufficient form and amount, or(c)provide other assurance <br /> satisfactory to City that the claim of lien or stop notice will be paid or discharged <br /> 5 17 Right of City to Satisfy Liens on the Property If Developer fails to satisfy or <br /> discharge any lien or stop notice on the Property or any part thereof pursuant to and within the <br /> time penod set forth in Section 5 16 above, the City shall have the nght, but not the obligation, <br /> to satisfy any such liens or stop notices at Developer's expense and without further notice to <br /> Developer and all sums advanced by City for such purpose shall be part of the indebtedness <br /> secured by the Deed of Trust. In such event Developer shall be liable for and shall immediately <br /> reimburse City for such paid lien or stop notice Alternatively, the City may require Developer <br /> to immediately deposit with City the amount necessary to satisfy such lien or claim pending <br /> resolution thereof The City may use such deposit to satisfy any claim or lien that is adversely <br /> determined against Developer Developer shall file a valid notice of cessation or notice of <br /> completion upon cessation of construction work on the Property for a continuous penod of thirty <br /> (30) days or more, and shall take all other reasonable steps to forestall the assertion of claims or <br /> OAK#4822-6539-6013 v5 17 <br />