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5 8 Change in Construction Plans If Developer desires to make any matenal change <br /> in the approved Construction Plans, Developer shall submit the proposed change in writing to the <br /> City for its wntten approval, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed if the <br /> Construction Plans, as modified by any proposed change, conform to the requirements of this <br /> Agreement and any approvals issued by City after the Effective Date. Unless a proposed change <br /> is approved by City within thirty(30) days, it shall be deemed rejected. If rejected, the <br /> previously approved Construction Plans shall continue to remain in full force and effect. Any <br /> change in the Construction Plans required in order to comply with applicable codes shall be <br /> deemed approved, so long as such change does not substantially nor materially change the <br /> architecture, design, function, use, or amenities of the Project as shown on the latest approved <br /> Construction Plans Nothing in this Section is intended to or shall be deemed to modify the <br /> City's standard plan review procedures <br /> 5 9 Rights of Access For the purpose of ensunng that the construction of the Project <br /> is completed in compliance with this Agreement, Developer shall permit representatives of the <br /> City to enter upon the Property dunng normal business hours following at least 48 hours' wntten <br /> notice (except in the case of emergency in which case such notice as may be practical under the <br /> circumstances shall be provided) <br /> 5 10 City Disclaimer Developer acknowledges that the City is under no obligation, <br /> and the City neither undertakes nor assumes any responsibility or duty to Developer or to any <br /> third party, to in any manner review, supervise, or inspect the progress of construction or the <br /> operation of the Project. Developer and all third parties shall rely entirely upon its or their own <br /> supervision and inspection in determining the quality and suitability of the matenals and work, <br /> the performance of architects, subcontractors, and matenal suppliers, and all other matters <br /> relating to the construction and operation of the Project. Any review or inspection undertaken by <br /> the City is solely for the purpose of determining whether Developer is properly discharging its <br /> obligations under this Agreement, and shall not be relied upon by Developer or any third party as <br /> a warranty or representation by the City as to the quality of the design or construction of the <br /> Project or otherwise. <br /> 5 11 Defects in Plans The City shall not be responsible to Developer or to any third <br /> party for any defect in the Construction Plans or for any structural or other defect in any work <br /> done pursuant to the Construction Plans. To the greatest extent allowed by law, Developer shall <br /> indemnify, defend (with counsel approved by City) and hold harmless the Indemnitees from and <br /> against all Claims arising out of, or relating to, or alleged to anse from or relate to defects in the <br /> Construction Plans or defects in any work done pursuant to the Construction Plans whether or <br /> not any insurance policies shall have been determined to be applicable to any such Claims. <br /> Developer's indemnification obligations set forth in this Section shall survive the expiration or <br /> earlier termination of this Agreement and the recordation of a Certificate of Completion. <br /> Developer's indemnification obligations pursuant to this Section shall not extend to Claims to <br /> the extent arising from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees, and are <br /> subject to the additional terms set forth in Section 11.2 below <br /> 5.12 Certificate of Completion for Project Promptly after completion of construction <br /> of the Project, City's issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy or equivalent for the Project, <br /> OAK#4822-6539-6013 v5 1 5 <br />