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2. It has been known and reported to the police that drugs and marijuana have been distributed from that <br /> household over the year. I live at the end of the court and have witnessed many strange cars coming to the end <br /> of our drive,just to meet up with someone from the Robles household to exchange "something" very quickly <br /> and left. <br /> 3. The Valley Trail zoning is believed to be dedicated to residential properties only,NOT COMMERCIAL. <br /> However it has been known to our neighborhood that the Robles had tenants living in their attic, disregarding <br /> the safety of those individuals, the fire code of the city, and the many other hazards caused by that sub standard <br /> renting. Our neighbors had encountered tenants of that household had urinated in front of their neighbors' <br /> house. When confronted by the other residents, they told the other residents that they had to do it because they <br /> do not have adequate toilets facility where they live, the Robles property. <br /> 4. Currently, with the existing occupants in the Robles household, we have seen at least 5 vehicles parking on <br /> the driveway, and along the street every day. That is not counting that their driveway has been used to park cars <br /> without number plate and registration. It becomes a junk yard in our neighborhood. Imagine the number of cars <br /> that can clog up the street if they are successful to turn their property into Bed and Breakfast facility. Please also <br /> add in the vehicles passing by every day to buy and sell something with the Robles occupants. Our <br /> neighborhood will become a drug haven and a junk yard in no time. Would you want to see a Pleasanton <br /> neighborhood like that? <br /> In conclusion, the Robles' application, if granted, will aggravate the already bad situation we have experienced <br /> for the last few years with that household. They have history, and the police force of Pleasanton can provide the <br /> Council with many years of bad records of this household and their lack of city code compliance, lack of <br /> consideration and respect for their neighbors. <br /> By expanding living space to double the number of occupants in this household,that only means one thing, thee <br /> police time will be needed twice or three times to be called out to this household in a year. Pleasanton <br /> neighborhood will turned into a drug distribution city. Hope that the City Council and City Management will <br /> not let that happen. <br /> Yours sincerely, <br /> Joe Phan <br /> 2 <br />