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Section 604 of the Califomia Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.), and including <br />by reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition is amended as follow: <br /> <br />604.1 Water pipe and fitting shall be of brass, copper, cast iron, galvanized malleable iron, <br />galvanized wrought iron, galvanized steel, or other approved materials. Cast iron fittings used for <br />water need not be galvanized if over two (2) inches (5 l mm) in size. Asbestos-cement, CPVC, <br />PE, or PVC water pipe manufactured to recognized standards may be used for cold water <br />distribution outside a building. All materials used in the water supply system, except valves and <br />similar devices shall be of a like material, except where otherwise approved by the Director. <br /> <br />604.2 Copper tube for water piping shall have a weight of not less than Type L. <br /> <br />Exception: Type M copper tubing may be used for water piping when piping is above ground in, <br />or on, a building or underground outside of structures. <br /> <br />604.3 In addition to the required incised marking, all hard dram copper tubing shall be marked <br />by means of a continuous and indelibly colored stripe at least one quarter (1/4) inch (6.4mm) in <br />width, as follows: Type K, green; Type L, blue: Type M, red; Type DWV, yellow. <br /> <br />604.4 Listed flexible copper water connectors shall be installed in exposed locations, unless <br />otherwise listed. <br /> <br />604.5 Cast iron fittings up to and including two (2) inches (51mm) in size, when used in <br />connection with potable water piping shall be galvanized. <br /> <br />604.6 Piping and tubing which has previously been used for any purpose other than for potable <br />water systems shall not be used. <br /> <br />604.8 Approved plastic materials may be used in water service piping, provided that where <br />metal water service piping is used for electrical grounding purposes, replacement piping <br />therefore shall be of like materials. <br /> <br />Exception: Where a grounding system, acceptable to the Director is installed, inspected, and <br />approved, metallic pipe may be replaced with non-metallic pipe. <br /> <br />604.9 Solder shall conform to the requirements of Section 316.1.3. <br /> <br />604.10 Water pipe and fittings with a lead content which exceeds eight (8) percent shall be <br />prohibited in piping systems used to convey potable water. <br /> <br />20.12.35 -Added- Section 413.1 Fixture Count <br /> <br />Section 413.1 of the California Building Standards Code 1998 Edition, (24 C.C.R.), and <br />including by reference the Uniform Plumbing Code, 1997 Edition is amended as follows: <br /> 42 <br /> <br /> <br />