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Exhibit D <br /> CATASTROPHIC LEAVE POLICY <br /> PURPOSE <br /> The catastrophic leave program permits employees to donate hours of sick leave, vacation leave or <br /> compensatory time for the purpose of providing eligible employees, upon approval, additional hours of <br /> paid leave. <br /> CATASTROPHIC ILLNESS OR INJURY <br /> A catastrophic illness or injury is a major medical condition that disables the employee form working <br /> for a protracted period of time. <br /> ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE <br /> An employee who because of a catastrophic illness or injury has exhausted his/her accrued sick leave, <br /> vacation leave, compensatory time, and: <br /> 1. Is ineligible for any city disability income benefits; and <br /> 2. Has an acceptable sick leave record as determined by the sick leave administrative <br /> committee upon the recommendation of the employee's department head. <br /> DONATING SICK LEAVE <br /> Employees may donate sick leave, vacation leave or compensatory time to an eligible employee <br /> approved for catastrophic leave upon completion of the necessary form. Donations of sick leave once <br /> made are irrevocable. <br /> REQUESTING/APPROVING CATASTROPHIC LEAVE <br /> Requests for catastrophic leave must be in writing and be accompanied by a physician's certificate <br /> attesting to the catastrophic illness or injury. <br /> ADMINISTRATION <br /> The catastrophic leave shall be administered by a committee comprised of two representatives <br /> designated by the POA and two representatives designated by the city manager. The committee shall <br /> be responsible for reviewing requests for catastrophic leave and determining the requesting employee's <br /> eligibility for such leave. The committee shall recommend to the city manager if the request should be <br /> approved, the number of catastrophic leave hours to be granted, and under what conditions. The city <br /> manager's decision regarding the request shall be final. (NOTE: Per IRS rules and regulations, all <br /> donations received by eligible employees are subject to regular payroll tax deductions.) <br /> 41 <br />