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d. Leave will be accounted for on an hour for hour basis. Thus, absence on a 10-hour day will <br /> require 10 hours of vacation leave and absence on a 12.5-hour day will require 12.5 hours <br /> of vacation leave. <br /> e. Employees may sign up for vacation leave on their required training days; however,they <br /> are required to meet the training requirements. <br /> f. When signing up for vacation leave, employees are required to sign up for at least a block <br /> of days equivalent to their work week. <br /> • Employees working Schedule A are required to sign up for a minimum of four <br /> consecutive days off, from Monday to Thursday. <br /> • Employees working Schedule B are required to sign up for a minimum of three <br /> consecutive days off, from Friday to Saturday. <br /> g. Employees may sign up to take their relief days off, as long as they meet their training <br /> requirement. <br /> h. Exhibit B of the MOU (Annual Vacation Sign Up and Shift/Assignment Bid), Sections 7, 8 <br /> and 9 are not applicable under the terms of this Side Letter. <br /> 9. SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br /> a. Under the TBHS, each employee will be required to move to a different team at least once <br /> every fifth cycle. Employees who fail to meet this requirement may be administratively <br /> assigned to a team by the Police Chief. <br /> b. The Police Chief reserves the right to temporarily change work assignments, start and end <br /> times and scheduled days off to accommodate training, injuries, workload,emergencies, <br /> personnel-related actions(including accommodating employees placed on Performance <br /> Improvement Plans),etc. If such a change is necessary, every effort will be made to seek <br /> employees who volunteer to make the change. Otherwise, the Department will implement <br /> changes to impact employees in"reverse seniority"order. <br /> c. To ensure adequate canine coverage, a Canine Officer is required to work on Team 5 <br /> (Schedule B -Night Watch). The remaining two Canine Officers may select from Teams 1, <br /> 2 and 3 (Schedule A - Day,Night and Morning Watch, respectively). However, each Team <br /> may have only one Canine Officer serving at a time. <br /> d. Staffing of Patrol Teams has priority over collateral assignment training opportunities(i.e. <br /> SWAT, CNT, K-9, etc.). However, the Department will strive to accommodate <br /> organizational training requirements when feasible. <br /> e. Should the need arise for a Field Training Officer(FTO)on one of the six Teams, the Police <br /> Chief shall implement a temporary reassignment to meet the Department's training needs. <br /> f. An employee's schedule may be suspended and replaced by a"5/8"work schedule to <br /> accommodate formalized training courses, military leave, modified duty, etc. occurring in <br /> any portion of one or more pay periods. <br /> g. The following Sections of Exhibit C of the MOU (Seniority Shift Sign Up Program) are not <br /> applicable under the terms of this Side Letter: <br /> • Process - Sections 2, 3 and 5 <br /> • Special Consideration—Section 1 <br /> 10. EVALUATION <br /> a. The Department will include the PPOA in an evaluation of the TBHS after each cycle through <br /> the January 2015 cycle. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify operational concerns and <br /> assess the overall effectiveness of the schedule. The assessment should minimally include: <br /> adequate staffing levels,productivity, response times, budgetary impacts, fatigue and morale. <br /> b. The Department will meet with the PPOA to address unforeseen operational issues that may <br /> occur as a result of this agreement. <br /> 11. TERMINATION OF TEAM BASED HYBRID SCHEDULE <br /> 33 <br />