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Commissioner Brown concluded he believed the applicant addressed the concerns laid <br /> out at the workshop, maybe not to the extent the Commission expected, but they did. <br /> He asked any Commissioner in favor of denial be specific in their comments to the <br /> applicant on what they would like to see revised in the event the applicant chooses to <br /> come back with revised plans. <br /> Commissioner Nagler responded to Commissioner Brown's request, explaining how one <br /> of the requests made at the workshop was to reach out to the neighborhood to see if <br /> they could gain some support for the revised design. He affirmed the application is still <br /> opposed by neighbors, and while their concerns may not bei in the purview of the <br /> Commission, they suggest the applicant did not try to gain support from their neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Nagler pointed out the other comments madc)tonight were in line with <br /> what was previously requested at the workshop. <br /> Commissioner Allen added that massing was a concern shared bythe Commission at <br /> the workshop and while the applicant had made progress, she= sand others have <br /> expressed concern tonight that the massing and 'FAR is still out of pro ortion for the <br /> neighborhood. k �,c <br /> Chair Balch remarked while the Commission has'asked other applicants at other times <br /> to speak to their neighbors and sometimes they do and'sometimes they don't, his belief <br /> is that his neighbor does not have therright to tell him what he can or cannot do with his <br /> property. Chair Balch elaborated, explaining}his intention with that comment was to <br /> bridge the harmony as a community of characters and 'n44.19 gain full support of the <br /> proposed design. Chair Balch stated he supported staff's recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Ritter movedto deny Case P17-0372. <br /> Commissioner Allen seconded the motion <br /> s <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE.}� F <br /> AYES� ' t Commissioners Allen, Nagler, and Ritter <br /> 'NOES: " t Commissioners Balch and O'Connor <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> 'kRECUSED None <br /> 'tABSENT: None <br /> Resolution PC-2017-17 denying Case P17-0372 was entered and adopted as motioned. <br /> r <br /> EXCERPT: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, August 23, 2017 Page 4 of 4 <br />