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EXHIBIT C <br /> P17-0372 <br /> Exhibit A, Final REVISED DRAFT Conditions of Approval <br /> 3552 Yellowstone Court <br /> May 26Auqust 23, 2017 <br /> STANDARD CONDITIONS <br /> 1. The addition and site improvements shall conform substantially to the <br /> approved elevations, site plans, and other materials, Exhibit B, marked <br /> "Received May-5August 8, 2017," on file at the Planning Division. Minor <br /> changes to the plans may be allowed subject to the approval of the Zoning <br /> Administrator if found to be in substantial conformance to the approved <br /> exhibits. <br /> 2. The colors and materials of the addition shall match those of the existing <br /> residence. <br /> and floor plans to remove the window shown on the north elevation. Minor <br /> changes to the proposed west facing second story windows may be <br /> approval of the Director of Community Development. <br /> 43. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit a landscape <br /> and irrigation plan to the Planning Division for review and approval before <br /> installation. Said landscape plan shall provide a front yard landscape plan <br /> that includes: (1) a minimum of a 1:1 tree replacement plan for the two trees <br /> to be removed; (2) a minimum of one new tree within the front yard; (3) <br /> detailed specifications of species, location, size, quantities, and spacing; and <br /> (4) a design that is aesthetically compatible with the neighboring <br /> properties. Plant species shall be of drought tolerant nature with an irrigation <br /> system that maximizes water conservation (e.g., drip system). The landscape <br /> plan be implemented prior to occupancy of the project. <br /> Pursuant to Pleasanton Municipal Code Section 18.20, all landscaping <br /> required to be installed with this project shall be maintained to the satisfaction <br /> of the Director of Community Development. <br /> Pursuant to Pleasanton Municipal Code Section 18.88.030, at all times, a <br /> minimum of one two parking spaces (measuring .-20 feet by 20 feet in area) <br /> shall be maintained clear and available for parking within the garage. <br /> Tc. For the duration of construction, the property owner and applicant shall <br /> maintain the property and area surrounding the subject property in a clean <br /> and orderly manner at all times, including, but not limited to the daily clean-up <br /> and if necessary, removal from the subject parcel, of all construction related <br /> trash, litter, and other debris, et cetera as determined by the Director of <br /> Community Development. <br />