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May 4,2017 d� <br /> Torrey Young.Dryad,LLC <br /> 17022-20093 M.I.P.Renovations-Horne fmprovernent Pros <br /> Site:3552 Yellowstone Ct.Pleasanton.CA <br /> GENERAL CONSTRUCTION SITE TREE PRESERVATION GUIDEUNES <br /> (not site or entity-specific) <br /> 1. Tree Protection Zonec: <br /> a The Tree Protection Zone(TPZ)should consist of the largest possible area surrounding trees to be <br /> preserved that can remain undisturbed. Ideally,an area of 1.5 times the longest dripline radius <br /> (measured from the trunk). Alternatively,follow the TPZ guidelines as described in the most resent <br /> version of current industry standards and best management practices publications". The TPZ can be <br /> continuous for trees with overlapping dripfines. <br /> b. Surround the TPZ with protective fencing. <br /> i. Fencing should consist of chain link, at least 6 feet in height, surrounding the perimeter of the TPZ <br /> designated distance or beyond. <br /> ii. Anchor fence posts into the soil(i.e.,do not use portable footings). <br /> iii. Protective fencing should remain in place until all grading and construction is complete. <br /> c. Do not allow vehicles, equipment, pedestrian traffic, building materials, debris storage,or disposal of <br /> phytotoxic'materials inside of the fenced-off areas(TPZ). <br /> 2. Mulching'and irrigation: <br /> a. Soil moisture: <br /> i. Determine the status of soil moisture to a depth of 18-24"below grade within the dripline of all <br /> (each)trees to be preserved,via tensiometer, granular matrix sensor or manual soil probing. <br /> ii. Irrigate as/if necessary,via slaw-appticalion(drip)irrigation,to achieve approximately field capacity" <br /> to a depth of 12-18'. <br /> b. Mulch: Cover exposed soil within aft TPZ's with an organic mulch to a settled depth of no less than 3-4 <br /> inches. <br /> 3. Excavation, root pruning&repair: <br /> a. Determine and mark(marking paint and stakes)the outside edge(towards trees)of required <br /> excavation,and adjacent to/surrounding any excavations within an area 1.5 times the dripline radius of <br /> trees to be preserved(or at large an area as feasible). <br /> b. Excavate a trench approximately 6-17 beyond the area to be disturbed(towards tree),or where roots <br /> have been damaged,to a depth of at least 18", by hand excavation`or with specialized hydraulicM or <br /> pneumatic"equipment. <br /> i. Wherever possible,relocate excavations or tunnel beneath encountered roots>1"in diameter. <br /> ii. Cut encountered roots cleanly with hand pruners or power saw. Avoid tearing,dislodging of bark <br /> (or epidermis)or otherwise disturbing that portion of the root(s)to remain. <br /> iii. Immediately back-fill with soil to cover,and moisten. <br /> iv. if backfilling cannot be completed immediately.cover exposed roots with several layers of untreated <br /> burlap(or other similar absorbent material)or sand, mulch or soil and keep moist until permanent <br /> backfilling can be completed. <br /> v. Excavation and root pruning should be performed by a Tree Worker currently certified by the <br /> International Society of Arboriculture(ISA). <br /> vi. Excavation and root pruning should be directly supervised by an arborist currently credentialed as at <br /> least one of the following: <br /> (1) Certified Arborist by the ISA, <br /> (2) Board Certified Master Arborist by the ISA, <br /> (3) Registered Consulting Arborist by the American Society of Consulting Arborists(ASCA) <br /> c. Future excavations within the TPZ: <br /> i. If possible,relocate any future excavations(irrigation, landscape features,etc.)outside the TPZ and <br /> perimeter of previously pruned roots. <br /> ii. If encroachment is required within the TPZ, endeavor to avoid pruning roots by tunneling beneath. <br /> 4. If relocation or tunneling is not possible, handle arj required root pruning as previously described. Tree <br /> care and maintenance work: (pruning,cabling/bracing , root pruning, etc.) <br /> a. Tree pruning: <br /> i. Avoid pruning that removes green foliage or live wood immediately before, during or within 1-2 <br /> years after construction. <br /> ii. Prune to remove large deadwood only(cleaning pruning),or the minimum required for clearance <br /> purposes,in accordance with current pruning standards". <br /> 35570 Patomares Rd. PONE, (510)538-5000 <br /> +. ; 4 <br /> LLC Castro Valley CA 94552 Fax (510}5386001 <br /> r� d E-MA I. tyoun9 <br /> Page 10 of 13 WEB 5t7E <br />