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SUPPLEMENTAL I ATLf 8AL <br /> Provided to the Planning Commission <br /> After Distribution of Packet <br /> Date Distributed:_,) <br /> From: autumn <br /> Sent:Tuesday, July 11, 2017 3:52 PM <br /> To: Eric Luchini; Adam Weinstein <br /> Subject: Deny Rezoning and building size increase at Yellowstone Court, Valley Trails <br /> Mr. Luchini and Mr. Weinstein, <br /> I am writing in response to the proposal and hearing at tomorrow night's Planning Commission for: <br /> Appeal of the Zoning Administrator's approval of an application for Administrative <br /> Design <br /> at residence located at 3552 Yellowstone Court <br /> We have owned a home and lived in Valley Trails for 15 years, two courts away from this residence. <br /> Both on our court and other courts (including this home), the apparent use of residences to rent out <br /> rooms is becoming a serious issue and problem - and degrading our community. <br /> The homeowners who act as "boarding" houses do not appear to have accountability to the city or <br /> neighborhood as to who they rent to, or how many they rent to. In our court alone, there was one <br /> resident of a "boarding" house who had a hit-and-run incident nearby, where Highway Patrol sent <br /> multiple cars to our court searching for him. We found out he hid the car a few courts away, walked to <br /> his boarding house, and avoided arrest and prosecution. We have 2 boarding houses on our court <br /> alone (with 4 bedrooms max in each home), and the parking and unseemly behavior for most of these <br /> tenants is problematic and very discouraging to us as homeowners in a residential area. <br /> This home on Yellowstone has historically rented out rooms to non-family tenants, resulting in many <br /> police calls and we've heard, even arrests from this house. Not to mention the parking and car issues <br /> that a court environment can not sustain. We ask that you review police records on this house as part <br /> of your consideration. <br /> The claim that they need to have "rooms" for their children and grandchildren has not been the case <br /> for their housing issues previously, and we doubt they will be using the rooms for family, but rather, <br /> more criminal type residents renting out rooms in this even larger "boarding" house. <br /> Even if this family were to rent only to family, we object to the rezoning and do not want them to be <br /> allowed to put such a huge home in a court environment and increase the traffic and congestion and <br /> noise, in a neighborhood where 4 bedrooms are the maximum and parking is so limited. <br /> And although there should not be constraints on the# of familymembers in a home, running a <br /> "boarding house" to non-family residents should be managed by the city, in much the way a home <br /> day care has city oversight. There are no guidelines and the neighborhoods are suffering from the <br /> intake of criminal type tenants to our area. These homeowners are technically running a for-profit <br /> business in our neighborhoods, with no controls or oversight. <br /> Our Valley Trails neighborhood is not set up for 8-9 bedroom homes, for family or non-family <br /> residents. Can you imagine if all the homes rezoned to have that many people in the small courts - <br /> what the outcome would be like? <br /> 1 <br />