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We strongly recommend that you revisit the total plans for this area, including all new projects that were not <br /> scheduled in the original air quality and traffic reports. Please do a new traffic and air quality study before <br /> approving this project. <br /> The additional traffic to the following planned projects will cause a tremendous impact on all residents residing <br /> at Stoneridge Creek: <br /> 'The Shoppes" <br /> "The Crosswinds at Livermore" with a Hotel and more shopping <br /> Pacific Pearl (with only one entrance to this shopping mall!) <br /> The proposed plan to have El Charro Rd. re-configured to take traffic from 580/East Dublin through to Stanley <br /> Blvd. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Ingrid and Robert Plemmons <br /> Click here to report this email as spam. <br /> 2 <br />