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Beaudin: That's right. This doesn't tie our hands. This is essentially a point in time when <br />the City is in the process of acquiring property and so this is a step required by the <br />Government Code. <br />Commissioner O'Connor moved to approve Case P16 -1847, subject to the <br />Conditions of Approval as listed in Exhibit A of the staff report. <br />Commissioner Allen seconded the motion. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: <br />Commissioners Allen, Balch, O'Connor, Nagler, and Ritter <br />NOES: <br />None <br />ABSTAIN: <br />None <br />RECUSED: <br />None <br />ABSENT: <br />None <br />Resolution No. PC- 2016 -33 approving Case P16 -1847 was entered and adopted as <br />motioned. <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING AND OTHER MATTERS <br />a. P16 -1418, Zoning Code Update <br />Amendment to the Pleasanton Municipal Code to: update and simplify the list <br />of permitted and conditionally permitted land uses; establish a Minor <br />Conditional Use Permit process for routine uses; reflect current practices, <br />modify review procedures, replace out -of -date references, and undertake <br />other changes to make the Code more user - friendly. <br />Shweta Bonn presented the staff report and described the scope, layout, and key <br />elements of the Zoning Code Update. <br />Chair Ritter: I have one higher level question. Once we update the zoning code, will it <br />be integrated with and will it be easier for an applicant to see <br />the process online? I get questions all the time about where projects are in the process. <br />Beaudin: So there are a couple of steps. We're going to finish the public hearing <br />process for the Minor Conditional Use permit process. If Council approves it, then the <br />ordinance will become effective 30 days after Council's second reading and then from <br />that point, staff will start implementing. Our plan is to leave the fees as is and then come <br />the next fee cycle, we'll make a clear distinction between Minor CUP and CUP in the fee <br />schedule and simultaneously, once we know the Council's on board with the Minor CUP <br />process we'll start revising our processes internally and we'll have website updates. <br />Our OpenCounter software and our will be updated to reflect <br />the changes as well. And our Permit Center Manager is currently working on some <br />process flow charts that will highlight these changes. <br />Chair Ritter: So that's probably going to take place six to eight months after we get <br />this? <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, December 14, 2016 Page 4 of 49 <br />