Laserfiche WebLink
Commissioner Brown: That's very cool. I'm a large supporter. Thank you. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Yeah, very cool is right. It's a great program, and I have the most <br />simplistic question. On the City home page, are you going to create a new button or <br />new graphic or new something? Because I'm sure I'm not the only one to comment it's a <br />little clunky sometimes. You have to go from the home page to anything on the interior. <br />Beaudin: It's something we can consider for sure. Our IT folks track the hits each <br />website gets. We're really trying to push Pleasanton perm so people can actually <br />type that in. It's in their browser and they can go directly there and they can have it as a <br />quick hit for them on their internet browser. I'd love to get some real estate on the home <br />page. I have to compete against the library and others who get a lot of traction right <br />now. But, the answer is yes. I'm going to lobby for it. I think we have some nice new <br />tools that will be really helpful. You can also schedule your building permit inspections <br />on our website through the Accela citizen access, so whether you're looking at planning, <br />building, zoning, this is going to be a great one -stop shop for us. We'll just get the word <br />out on the web address, try and get some home page real estate, and it's going to be a <br />well -used tool I think. <br />Chair Ritter: In the search, if you type "pleasantonpermits" it will go there, correct? <br />Beaudin: I haven't tried it, but I would hope so. <br />Chair Ritter: It's on a separate website, but it should. <br />Beaudin: We had "pleasantonpermits ", but it was literally just tied to building, and so we <br />thought that the title lended itself well to a lot of different meanings, so we're leveraging <br />it now and making it the portal to all these other services. <br />Commissioner Ritter: Great, anything else? All right, meeting adjourned. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />Chair Ritter adjourned the meeting at 8:11 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Adam Weinstein <br />Secretary <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 14, 2016 Page 22 of 22 <br />