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Harryman: I don't know the boundaries of the study area <br />Commissioner Balch: The study area goes from the Arroyo on ... call it the north side, <br />and it is like a felt -tip Sherman's march all the way down to Bernal. I'm out by one big fat <br />black marker. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: So we're not talking about the entire downtown specific area <br />which includes some of the historic homes on First Street? <br />Beaudin: We are talking about that. <br />Commissioner O'Connor: I've always erred on the side of caution and if I'm only one <br />block out I would rather recuse myself than not to have a perception of conflict. But if we <br />can check this during the selection.... <br />Harryman: Yes, you can for sake of selection. <br />Commissioner Balch: Right there, the red. You can't be in the red <br />Commissioner Nagler: So may I make a suggestion following up on yours? For <br />purposes of making a selection tonight, I would support the idea of the Chair and maybe <br />a past Chair; however, I don't support there being a constant rotation because the <br />continuity of participation I think is critical to having valuable input. So what I would also <br />support is that you know, in specificity, our appointments be you and Commissioner <br />Allen, but that Commissioner Allen be a permanent representative from the Planning <br />Commission and that the second position reflect whoever the Chair is at the time. <br />Commissioner Balch: Well, I hate to bring this up but I'm the Vice Chair and people <br />keep forgetting that. <br />Commissioner Nagler: Okay, okay, I thought that but I didn't say it; that it be the Chair if <br />able to participate. <br />Commissioner Balch: So it goes to Vice Chair? <br />Commissioner Nagler: Then if not, the Commission is asked at that time to make the <br />appointment. <br />Commissioner Balch: I'll throw my logic in the hat..... <br />Commissioner O'Connor: ....I would rather not do that either. I wouldn't want to have a <br />rotating position but I think before we even start discussing the possibilities, if there's <br />two of us who are recused, I would like to know from the rest who has an interest. Since <br />this is an 18 to 24 month task force, there may be people who may not want to dedicate <br />that amount of time or can't, so I think I'd like to know from the others who is interested <br />because we may only have two who are interested. Who knows! <br />Commissioner Allen: Well, I would say I'm very interested. I have a passion for the <br />Downtown. It's part of what got me on the Planning Commission. I spend 2 -3 days a <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 14, 2016 Page 10 of 22 <br />